Climate Change is a big threat to biodiversity, humans and business. Projects, assignments on climate change.
Climate Change vs. Economy – Who Should Win?
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Tim Jackson on Economics Of Climate Change
Academic Questions on Climate Change
Management (BBA / MBA) question on climate change:
Q) Climate change is the current focus of business community globally and businesses worldwide are including climate change related considerations in their strategic business decisions as well as long term plans. Choose any one current and live company, Indian or Multinational and explain how it is implementing any two climate change policies /actions to reduce their negative climate change impacts and why do they look at climate change as part of risk management?(refer to the sustainability report of the chosen company).
Climate Change Essays
Here are various essays on Climate change for for School and College students.
Climate Change (340 words)
Climate change refers to the changes in the environmental conditions of our planet due to internal as well as external factors. These climatic changes are having significant impacts on the ecosystem, has already caused several species of plants and animals to go extinct, and is also causing a lot of distress to humans. As a result, climatic change has become a global concern over the last few decades.
The process of climate change started a long time back but humans started noticing it in the last century due to its effect on human life. Humans started noticing that earth’s temperature was rising due to a phenomenon called greenhouse effect, which was causing issues such as pollution, flooding, drought, and more.
The reasons for climate change are varied and includes natural as well as manmade reasons.
Natural reasons such as volcanic eruption, tectonic plate movement, solar radiation can also cause climate change which can raise the temperature of certain regions and cause imbalance in nature.
Over the past few decades, human activity has caused a lot of harm to the environment.
Human activities such as deforestation, excess use of fossil fuels, generating excess industrial waste, has badly damaged the ecosystem as well as our climate. Due to climate change, the ocean levels are rising and flooding several coastal areas, glaciers are melting, CO2 in the air is increasing, ozone layer is getting depleted, forest cover is declining, several species of plants and animals are becoming extinct, water is becoming scarce in several areas. If humans do not act fast, a day could come in future when even humans could get extinct from earth.
Although humans have caused great damage to the climate and ecosystem, it is not too late to take corrective action to prevent further damage to the environment. It is extremely important that every human starts contributing to protect our environment to ensure our own existence in the future. It is important that we take measures to save our planet, and reduce the activities that lead to climate change.
Climate Change Essay (277 words)
Today, we are in involved in a mad race of acquiring wealth, power and repute but what we completely neglect is our planet, Mother Earth. Recent incidents of tremendous temperature hike have portrayed the hazardous and far-reaching impact of climate change on biodiversity, hinting that environmental contamination looms largely upon the Earth.
Climate change affects the living organisms in countless ways. Firstly, it is the macro-cause of wildlife extinction as the natural habitats are getting destroyed which adversely affects the ecological balance on the Earth. Secondly, it leads to abnormal weather patterns and causes environmental degradation resulting in global warming and greenhouse effect. The intense temperature rise over the years has resulted in droughts, floods and intense rains.
The instance of Kedarnath catastrophe that took a toll of scores of Hindu devotees is an irrefutable example of climate change. Such is the wrath of nature, such is how nature retaliates.
As per the UN Database, climate change occurs due to overpopulation, unchecked exploitation of natural resources, pollution, increasing urbanization and insensitivity of man towards the environment. There is no denying the fact that climate change is the greatest threat to humanity today. Experts astonish me by claiming that threats like terrorism, nuclear arsenal, poverty and illiteracy are more consequential than the planet itself. But what will they do about amnesty, amelioration and education if the Earth perishes?
They can do nothing. We all owe an apology to ecology for damaging it but there is still time to introspect and in all this gloomy talk of the impending doom, the glitter of good news of preserving our planet rests solely in the human hands to preserve or perish.
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