Here’s how to make Class 9 Commercial Studies / Commercial application projects and assignments.
Sample Projects
Project: Classify Business Enterprises Into Industry and Commerce
Project: To study the business enterprises in the local city and classify them into industrial and commercial categories.
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Objective: The objective of this project is to familiarise the students with industry and commerce.
Organisation the project:
Task: The student will be expected to visit different sites in the local city and observe the business firms at each site. They will have to note down the name of each firm and nature of their activities. If possible, you should talk to the owner/manager of the firm.
The students will then have to classify each firm into industry or commerce depending upon the nature of its activity. Firms classified under these two broad categories will be sub-classified into various types of industry, trade and aids to trade.
The student will show their classification to the teacher and make necessary changes as suggested by the teacher. Finally, the student has to write down the project in their project files.
Business activities may be classified into two broad categories: Industry and Commerce.
The sector that manufactures useful finished products from raw materials is known as industry. This also includes activities related to rearing & reproduction of animals. Industry is further classified into three broad categories – Primary, Secondary and Tertiary industry.
Commerce is a branch of business. All those activities, which directly or indirectly facilitate the exchange of goods and services are included in commerce.
Commerce includes activities that directly or indirectly help in the distribution of goods or services to the end consumer. Commerce is further classified into two broad categories: Trade, Aids to trade.
- Trade includes buying & selling of goods & services.
- Aids to Trade are the activities that help in smooth flow of trade. For example: Transportation, Warehousing, Advertising, Banking & finance, Insurance.
Project: Cooperative Society
A cooperative society is a kind of business which has joint ownership and democratic leadership.
Project: Cooperative Societies. – Students to take a survey on cooperative society. Select a cooperative society- it may be a housing society, an agricultural society or a consumer cooperative society. – Students to interview the officials of the society either personally or through a telephone or any other medium. And collect information about the society like when was it registered, list of members of management, objectives of the society, and explain the features of the so selected of the cooperative society.
Structure: Cover Page, Index, Content: Include details relevant to the assigned topic. Conclusion
Sole Proprietorship
Project: To survey the origin and growth of a sole proprietorship in the city
Objective: The purpose of this project is to familiarise the students with the nature and working of sole proprietorship.
Organisation of the project: The subject teacher can ask each student to survey a sole proprietorship firm in the town or in any other town. The student may be familiar with such a firm or they may consult their parents and select such a firm. The student will meet the owner of the firm and collect the necessary information, e.g., name of the firm, name of its founder, year of origin, name of the present owner, products sold, difficulties faced, etc.
After collecting the relevant information, the student should prepare a factual report. It would be better if he/she draws some diagram or graph or use cuttings to make a scrapbook.
Now students must meet their class teacher and discuss their report with him/her. After making the changes as suggested by the teacher, they should write down the project in their project file.
A typical structure for such a project would be:
- Introduction to Sole Proprietorship and how they have evolved over time.
- Characteristics of Sole Proprietorship
- Advantages and Disadvantages of a Sole Proprietorship
- Role of Sole Proprietorships in Local Economy
- Conclusion
- References
Merits / Demerits of Sole Proprietorship
Merits and Demerits of Sole Proprietorship, for Class 11 and Class 12 students, CBSE and other boards.
There are lot of people, such as freelancers and consultants who operate as a sole proprietor.
While there are some obvious benefits such as the proprietor having more control over the business. However, the obvious disadvantage is that the business cannot grow beyond a particular point, as it is limited to just one person.
Suitability of Sole Proprietorship can be measures by ascertaining the merits and demerits of Sole Proprietorship.
Merits of Sole Proprietorship
Ease of formation and closure of the business entity.
Quick decision making – Control of the business is in the hands of a single owner.
Confidentiality of information, its easy to maintain secrecy of information.
Membership is in the hands of a single person, so single owner of the profit (direct incentive).
One gets a sense of accomplishment, so all the success is attributed to the owner.
Demerits of Sole Proprietorship
Unlimited liability for the sole proprietor.
Unlimited managerial ability because everything is being managed by the owner – marketing, operation, etc.
Limited life of a business concern.
Limited resources. Because everything is in the hands of a single owner, the resources (assets, cash etc.) will be limited.
More Project Topic Ideas
Project: Study the working of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Industry in India — Take any 4 firms of the industry and group them according to their objectives ( Profit / non profit making).
Project: Write an essay or enact a play showing growing communication needs in today’s organisations , depicting the possible problems that may occur due to poor communication.
Project: Study the profile of any partnership firm. Write a brief report stating the nature and working of the firm.
Project: Visit any cooperative society or its website. Analyse its objectives, membership and working.
Project: To prepare a partnership deed.
Objective : The aim of this project is to teach the students how a partnership is formed.
Organisation of the Project: The subject teacher may divide the class into a number of groups. Each group should consist of five to ten students. The students in each group agree to carry on business for their mutual benefit. They are partners and agree to share the profits in a certain ratio. Each group contacts one or two partnership firms in the city. It notes down the details and working of the firm.
Now each group prepares a partnership deed. The members of the group mention the following details:
- (a) The name of the firm.
- (b) The principal place of its business.
- (c) The names of other places where the firm carries on business.
- (d) The names and full addresses of all the partners.
- (e) The date on which a partner joined the firm.
- (f) The amount of capital contributed by partners.
- (g) The ratio in which profits will be shared.
Each group will compare its partnership deed with those of other groups. They will discuss their deeds and seek the guidance of the teacher, whenever necessary. Finally, the students will neatly type the partnership deed and keep it in the project file.
Structure of the Project
You can use the following guidelines while making these projects/assignments.
Start with Acknowledgement. There should be only one common acknowledgement (if multiple topics are given).
For each topic:
- Name of the topic
- Subject Matter of the topic (Introduction, relevant headings and sub headings, use of pictures/diagrams/ graphs/ tables, as per the requirement. Should not be more than 4 to 5 pages.)
- Conclusion (one page)
- Bibliography (Write the name of related websites and books consulted for making the assignment.)
Note: Same order should be followed for each topic.
Sample assignments are provided at the end of the course book. These can be read to understand how to make these Projects (Assignments).