The topics covered in ICSE Class 7 Chemistry provide a strong foundation in chemistry for students, which will enable them to study the subject in greater depth in the higher grades.
Topics covered in ICSE Class 7 Chemistry
Matter and its composition: Learn important concepts such as what is matter (has mass and occupies space), composition of Matter.
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Physical and Chemical Changes: Learn concepts such as physical and chemical change, how to differentiate between them (chemical change involves formation of a new product with new product properties), types of change involved when there is a change of state of matter, change involved when there is a change of energy.
- Change is a permanent part of our life.
- Usually, a change in energy takes place when a chemical change occurs.
- Non- periodic changes are not repeated at fixed interval of time.
- Formation of curd from milk is an example of curdling.
- A chemical reaction in which heat is emitted, is called exothermic reaction.
Questions: 1) Why is digestion of food a chemical change? 2) Why changing of water to water vapour is considered a physical change? 3) When you mix cement with water, it is considered irreversible. Why?
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures: Learn concepts such as identification of elements and compounds from representation of their symbols and formulae, difference between mixtures and compounds, types of mixture, separation techniques such as evaporation, distillation, use of separating funnel, sublimation, fractional distillation, chromatography.
Atomic Structure: Learn about atoms, molecules and radicals. Atom is the smallest particle of an element; molecule is the smallest particle of an element or compound.
Language of Chemistry: Understand what is a chemical reaction, characteristics of chemical reaction, chemical equations.
Metals and Non-metals: Learn to distinguish between metals and nonmetals with the general properties, classification of elements as metals and nonmetals, uses of certain metals, metalloids.
Air and Atmosphere: Composition of air and uses of its components, properties of oxygen, difference between: respiration and combustion, combustion and rusting.
Related: Class 7 (ICSE): Syllabus and notes of other subjects
ICSE Class 7 Chemistry: Questions
Fill in the blanks:
- Changes in which new substances are formed are called ________ changes.
- _____ is the reverse of melting.
- Anything which occupies _______ and _______ is called matter.
- Cyclone is an example of ________ change.
True or False
- Both physical as well as chemical properties of a substance change during a chemical change.
- Changing of a solid directly into a vapour on heating is known as condensation.
- Liquids have the most orderly arrangement of particles.
- The physical state of matter can be changed by changing the temperature and pressure.
- Mixing of powdered sulphuric with iron fillings is a chemical change.
Answer the following:
Q. In the diagram below a crystal of iodine is slowly heated in a closed flask. State your observation and what conclusion can you draw from this experiment.
Q. A stone is immersed into a measuring cylinder containing some water. Will there be change in water level? Why? What can you conclude from the activity?
Q. In the diagram below, it is shown that an empty class bottle is lowered into a tub of water. What is your observation on tilting the class bottle to one side? Write down the conclusion of the simple experiment.
Q. Define boiling point. What is the boiling point of water?
Q. Distinguish between 1) Solids and Gases 2) Reversible changes and Irreversible changes 3) Physical changes and Chemical Changes.
Q. Give an example of physical change which is Irreversible.
Q. Give reasons for the following: 1) Liquids have one free upper surface only. 2) Dissolving of salt in water is considered a physical change while adding dilute Sulphuric acid to Zinc is considered a chemical change.