Class 10 math projects on various kinds of graphs.
Mathematics Project: The Statistics of COVID-19
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INTRODUCTION: ( origin of the virus, mode of transmission, symptoms etc. 60 – 100 words)
- To acquire knowledge and develop an understanding of the greatest pandemic faced by mankind.
- To acquire skills for accurate data collection and tabulation.
- To acquire skills for representing data, which will make analysis relevant and easy.
- To acquire skills for data interpretation, and arrive at logical conclusions and inferences.
- To be able to compare results of the spread and containment of the virus within and out of the country.
- To acquire skills for utilizing collected data, to appreciate the manner in which governments function in order to control the spread of this lethal virus, and improve existing infrastructure.
- To appreciate the health workers that run the risk of losing their own lives, while controlling the spread of this virus, and curing patients.
- To appreciate citizens of our country, who have been generous, by donating, time, cash, food, talent, etc.
a. Data collection: The data is to be taken from, WHO STATISTICS ON COVID 19. The data collection starts from ( March 12th and ends on May 30th ). The data is confined to the number of infected persons, number of Recoveries, number of deaths.
b. Graphical representations: on 2mm graph paper (2 sheets can be pasted adjacently if data specifications volume is large), graphs can be folded neatly into the project journal. Graphs must be neat and clear and accurate.
Graph types will be, line graph, bar graph, histogram, pie charts.
c. Details of the graphs:
1. Plot a line graph from situation reports* for a period of 25 days of 4 countries that have been affected with fatalities ( deaths). y-axis total fatalities, x-axis days (25 consecutive days) the countries referred to should not differ too much with the number of fatalities as representing would be difficult on same graph.
2 . Plot 2 reference lines on the same graph, for 40 deaths every 2 days and 80 deaths every 2 days, these lines can be used to show countries which are affected to a larger extent (ref lines can be For 20 deaths or 60 deaths every 2 days), in order to match with The data collected. For each of the 4 countries calculate and record Fatality rate on day 1 and day 25.3. Plot a histogram to represent 6 countries, showing the number of Infected persons per million of population, for a particular time Frame according to the given data. ( 6th country is India ). Y-axis is the population. X-axis is countries.
4. Construct a Pie chart using 5 states of India, showing the number Of positive/confirmed cases. ( 5th state is Maharashtra ).
5. Construct a double bar graph, with any 5 countries, to show the Total cases and total recoveries. ( 5th country is India ).
a. From the line graph, find out which country had the highest Spike in positive cases, within a specific time frame. State 2 possible reasons for each occurrence.
b. from the histogram, find out which country is worst affected, based on a population of 1 million. State 2 possible reasons for the occurrence.
c. from the pie chart find out which state has the highest cases Recorded, state 2 possible reasons for the occurrence.
d. use the double bar graph to suggest which country has an Effective medical infrastructure, that has proved its worth, in Controlling the spread of the disease, during this crisis.
5. INDIAN PERSPECTIVE ( 80 – 100 words )
How was the crisis handled in our country. Include innovations in engineering, medical innovations, in the treatment of infected persons, corona warriors, contributions of the generous citizens of our country, by way of cash, food etc.
Can I obtain data for the months beyond May 2020?
Yes, data for the month of june and july and august is easily available, please use the same if you need to.
How do we plot a figure as 25,49,682?
You can round it off to 3 significant figures to be 25.5 lac.
What if data is falling out of the graph paper?
You can use another scale or attach another graph paper neatly pasted and aligned with the first graph paper.
Cases per million, recoveries and deaths are presented in a time frame (3rd to 16 th Aug) can this be used?
Yes , this can be used instead of data for one particular day, as given in the guidelines.
Can we use data that is already plotted?
No, graph work needs to be done, and not ready made.
Apart from the WHO site can we get information from somewhere else?
No, information to be obtained from WHO only.
Under situation reports do we record the new cases and the new deaths that have occurred.?
No, look at total confirmed cases and total deaths as on that date.
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