CBSE Class 10 Social Science syllabus and study notes. Social Science Studies (SST) Class X content draws mainly from History, Geography, Political Science and Economics. Some elements of Sociology and Commerce are also included.
Subject Enrichment Project Work Activity
Social Science Subject Enrichment Activity (SST)/ Class X.
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Every student has to compulsorily undertake any one project from the following topics:
- Why do we need consumer awareness?
- Different ways of consumer exploitation
- Consumer International (UN)
- Formation of COPRA
- Role of Govt. and other civil societies
- What are the different consumer rights?
- What are the FIVE responsibilities of a consumer?
- Problems of consumer redressal process
- Write three slogans to create consumer awareness
- What is sustainable development?
- Its objective
- Earth Summit and Agenda 21
- Sustainable Development in the 21st century (SD21)
- What are the 17 UN sustainable development goals?
- Domains: Environmental, Economics, Politics and culture
- Make a poster to encourage sustainable development in your school
- What are different social issues that we find in today’s world?
- What are the basic social problems of India?
- Choose any one social issue from the followings: illiteracy, unemployment, child labour, violence against women and corruption. Throw light on different aspects of the same.
- History: origin, causes, development over the years
- Steps taken by the Govt. machinery
- Role of different individual(s) / NGOs etc.
- Current status
- Write slogans to create awareness among your fellow students.
Objective: The projects have been carefully designed so as to – Create awareness in learners. Enable them to understand and co-relate all aspects of selected topic. Relate theory with practice. Relation of different aspects with life. Provide hands on experience.
Distribution of marks will be for the following aspects relating to Project Work: Content accuracy and originality. Presentation and creativity. Process of Project Completion: Initiative, cooperativeness, participation and punctuality. Viva or written test for content assimilation.
The Project Report should be in the form of Scrap book and should be handwritten by the students and comprise of 10-15 pages. Ensure that the project consists of flow charts, and have diagrammatic and pictorial representation. All diagrams and pictures must be labelled.
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