CSE Class-5 Social studies: Revision Notes, syllabus, question and answers. The following chapters are included in ICSE Class-5 social studies subject. Evolution of Human Beings This chapter covers topics such as the process of human evolution, it talks about fossils, tools and bones that provide evidence of ancient life forms. The chapter also identifies, compares […]
Social Studies
Solar and Lunar Eclipses: Social Studies
Solar and lunar eclipses are natural shadows of a heavenly body. Here’s more on eclipses. An eclipse occurs when a heavenly body gets in the way of the sun’s light. The two kinds of eclipses which we experience on Earth are Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse. A Solar Eclipse occurs when the moon passes between […]
Latitudes And Longitudes (Social Studies / Geography)
Long back, it was believed that the Earth was flat. Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher, declared in the 6th century BCE that the earth is round; however, no one believed him. Later, it was proved that the Earth is spherical. Ferdinand Magellan sailed round the Earth in the 16th century thus proving that the Earth is […]
Constitution of India: ICSE Class 5 Social Studies
Constitution of India is a chapter in Social Studies for Class 5 ICSE students. Find notes, questions and answer. The constitution of India is the highest law in India it mentions the powers and duties of the various government institutions. It also talks about the fundamental rights and duties of the citizens of India. The […]
India size and location: Class 9 SST Geography Notes
India size and location: Class 9 SST Geography Notes India, located in the northern hemisphere, is a vast country, and comprises of 28 states and 8 Union Territories. The mainland of India extends from Kashmir in the North to Kannyakumari in the South and Arunachal Pradesh in the East to Gujarat in the West. According […]
Evolution of Communication: ICSE Class 5 Social Studies
Evolution of Communication: ICSE Class 5 (Social Studies) notes, questions and answers. Development of communication over time : In earlier times, people used smoke signals (in America) and beating drums (in Africa) to communicate messages. Drawing was the earliest form of writing. The earliest humans made pictures on the walls of caves in which they […]
Evolution of Transport: ICSE Class 5 Social Studies
Evolution of Transport (ICSE Class 5 social Studies): Notes, study guide. Invention of the Wheel During prehistoric times, people walked long distances on foot. Rich people used palanquin (palki) to travel. With the invention of the wheel, these were first attached to carts dragged by people, and later by animals. Water for reaching distant places […]
ICSE Class 5 (Social Studies) – Evolution of human beings / The Earliest Humans / The Stone Ages
ICSE Class-5 (Social Studies SST) – Evolution of human beings / The Earliest Humans: Motes, questions and answers. What is meant by evolution? Ans. The human evolution is a process of change by which apes slowly developed into human beings over millions of years ago. Question. What are our sources of information about life during […]
Modern Slavery
Modern Slavery exists in various forms. Modern Slavery such as Human Trafficking exists in all continents and in all economies. It still remains a problem although it remains unseen and is often denied. Most countries are affected either by being a source, transit and destination. Majority of victims are young, between the age of 18 […]
Pollution: Causes, concerns and solutions
Pollution contributes to the harmful environment that results in advert affect on living things. It is one of the major concern areas for the whole world. It is a global issue involving the United Nations, governments, voluntary institutions and the media. Pollution is the process that makes nature’s resources such as land, water, air or […]
Being a Good Citizen (Social Studies): Class 4
Being a good citizen (responsibilities of a good citizen) is a chapter in Social Studies for Class 4 students. Find notes, questions and answers. Question: What do you understand by the term civics? Answer: Civics is the study of human rights and responsibilities of citizens , the governance and the environment in which our society […]
Major Domains of the Earth (Social Studies)
Learn more about the Major Domains of the Earth. This is a chapter in Social Studies/Geography for Class 6 students as well as for Class 4 students (a smaller coverage of this topic). Find Notes, Questions & Answers on major domains of the earth. Major Domains of the Earth: Social Science / Geography Class VI […]