Essays and Papers on History and contributions of Industrial engineering. The origin of Industrial engineering is often confused with the beginnings of the industrial revolution, but it happened much earlier. As soon as man got in touch with the problems of management of the workshop/factory, he began to apply analytical methods complemented by rational experiences. […]
Sample Essays
Digital Education Essays
Traditional Methods Move Aside: Digital Education is Here to Stay Who would have imagined that so much would change in the last decade or so. But the fact is that Digital education has taken over the traditional chalk and blackboard method in a big way. Though most parents would prefer their children to learn in […]
Ethical and cultural issues in psychological testing (Essay)
“Ethics” are moral principles which should be followed. “Culture” may be defined as “the socially transmitted behaviour patterns, community, or group of people”. Ethics and culture play an important role in various aspects of psychological testing. This sensitivity is manifested in greater consideration of cultural issues with respect to every aspect of test development and […]
‘Missile Man’ Dr. Abdul Kalam: The Greatest Student India Ever Had
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam – the missile man of India and the man with an ever-smiling face, took his last launch and vanished in the heavens above leaving us with a void that can never be filled. May his divine soul rest in peace, and his blessings be with the nation always. Full Name: Avul […]