The ultimate guide to Secondary Data: What it includes, various types and their importance. What is Secondary Data? When looking for data to answer their research question(s) or meet their objectives, students are increasingly expected to consider undertaking further analysis of the data that were collected initially for some other purposes. Such data are known […]
Chi-Square Test
Chi-square Test help us in providing with the method to evaluate whether or not the frequencies which have been observed empirically differ significantly with those that have been expected under a certain set of theoretical assumption. A chi-squared test can then be used to reject the hypothesis that the data are independent. Also considered a […]
What is Tri-variate analysis?
Tri-variate analysis: In some cases, the researcher tries to find out a third variable which is affecting the relationships between the two variables. In that case the researcher has to examine the bi-variate relationship between the two variables and examine the bivariate relationship by controlling the effects of the third variable. This is done in […]
What is a Hypothesis? Steps in Testing Hypothesis
A hypothesis (hypotheses) is a statement, a proposition (suggestion) about how something might work or behave. You can develop your own hypothesis on the grounds of informal observation or your own experience if you wish to do so. You may also develop it from an examination of the existing literature. The intention of your research […]
Research aims, objectives, problem statement
Learn about problem statement, research aims, objectives, research question and hypothesis. Once you have the research hypothesis or research question, you can define the aims and objectives of the research. Research Aims & Objectives Research aims and objectives summarizes what a researcher wishes to achieve/accomplish through the project and provides direction to the study. Writing […]
Ethical & Practical Issues in Research and Academic Work
The major ethical issues in conducting research discussed. Respect One of the important qualities of a good project is to respect the people and their opinions that may form part of your project research. This is underlined by expectations from various bodies involved in monitoring higher education. It is also expected by the society in […]
Qualitative Data Analysis
Qualitative Data Analysis: Understand the principles and methods of qualitative data analysis with practical examples. If you have just conducted a qualitative study involving Interviews, Focus Groups, Observations, Document or artefact analysis, Journal notes or reflections, you will need to do qualitative data analysis (similar to how you have various statistical tests for quantitative data). […]
Observational methods in Research
Ethnography, observational methods and content analysis in research work. What is Ethnography? Ethnography involves a systematic study of people and cultures. Ethno: people; Graphy: describe something Ethnography: describing and understanding another way of life from the native/insider point of view (Neuman, 2007). Ethnography is about observing and understanding how people live their lives, its about […]
How to formulate a research question?
A research question is usually the first step in any research project. Here’s how to come up with a strong research question for a research paper, thesis or dissertation. Also understand how it differs from a hypothesis. A research question is a question (or questions) that your research intends to address. Your research does not […]
Visual Research Methods
Visual research methods are those that use some kind of imagery into the research process. Visual Data Visual Data potentially encompasses any object, person, place, event or happening which is observable to the human eye. It is only through a conceptual framework (i.e. theory) that a given “object” can become “data” for investigation. Visual data […]