Research is an organized and systematic way of finding answers to questions. Systematic because there is a definite set of procedures and steps which you will follow. There are certain things in the research process which are always done in order to get the most accurate results. Organized because in that there is a structure […]
Colloquium for Thesis or Dissertation: How to write, structure
In the context of a thesis or dissertation, a colloquium typically refers to a presentation or oral defense of the research work done by the student. It is an opportunity for the student to present their findings, methodology, and conclusions to a panel of faculty members, experts, and peers. Once you have completed your thesis/dissertation, […]
Thesis Statements: How to write (Examples)
A thesis statement is an important part of an academic paper as it helps the reader to clearly identify the points to be discussed in the rest of the paper. It typically appears towards the the end of the introduction of the article. Including a thesis statement in your academic writing (essay, research paper) helps […]
Research Philosophy & Paradigms
Research philosophy informs how the researcher plans to study the external world, the beliefs and assumptions, that guides the research process. There are various research philosophies that exists which the researcher could adopt in evaluating a phenomenon. Research philosophy refers to the assumptions and beliefs that guide researcher in data collection, analysis, and interpretation. The […]
Research approaches and strategies
Research approaches guide how researchers gather and analyze data to answer specific research questions or achieve particular research objectives. It is the broader philosophical perspective that influences the researcher’s choice of methods and design. Common research approaches include deductive (hypothesis-driven), inductive (data-driven), qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods, and action research approaches. Related: Complete guide to understanding the […]
Validity and Reliability
Validity and reliability are important concepts in research used to evaluate quality and accuracy of measurement methods and data. To understand the concept of Validity and reliability, you can apply it to everyday use to get a sense of what it could mean mean (for example, is that writer’s opinion valid; is the courier service […]
Principles of research design
Research design refers to the overall structure that guides a research study and ensures that the data collected will help answer the research question effectively. It involves determining the type of study, selecting data collection methods, defining the sample or population, and outlining the steps to be taken to gather and analyze the data. The […]
Data Collection Techniques
Various Data Collection Techniques used in Research. Data collection techniques are a part of research methods. You can also read about the complete research process here. Survey Research (Quantitative Data Collection Method) Survey research is a commonly used method of collecting information about a population of interest. There are many different types of surveys, several […]
Mixed Methods Research Approach
Mixed methods research makes use of both qualitative and quantitative methods and its use is driven by pragmatism due to the perceived deficit of quantitative methods alone as well as to address the complexity of research. Both quantitative and qualitative research have weaknesses. Quantitative research is weak in understanding the context or setting in which […]
Research Time Horizons
Research time horizons refers to the duration over which a study is conducted and data is collected. As a researcher, you need to think about the time horizons in research design as it can influence the type of data gathered and the research questions. Cross-Sectional Design Cross-sectional designs can use qualitative and quantitative research and […]
Quantitative Data Analysis
Data collection forms a major part of the research process but this data has to be analyzed to make sense of it. Here we take a look at the various methods to analyze quantitative data. Virtually any business and management research you undertake is likely to involve some numerical data or contain data that has […]
Research Ethics to consider when designing research
An ethic is basically a moral principle or code of conduct which influences what individuals and communities do. In academics (projects and dissertations), ethics are concerned with the way students behave in conducting their research work. It is important to carry out research work in accordance with sound ethical practice. A research work may be […]
Research Methodology: How to write this section
Here’s how to write research methodology in a project report (applies to dissertation, thesis, projects). Writing the Research Methodology Once you have decided the topic for your project, you’ll need to mention how you will conduct the research in order to find material for your project work. You have to mention a bit about the […]
Research Methods Explained
Research methods are the specific research methods, techniques or tools (such as surveys, experiments, case studies, and interviews) used to gather and analyze data. Researchers may select appropriate methods based on the the research question, type of data needed, and the resources available. A research method refers to the specific techniques, procedures, or processes that […]
Creating a research project: Here’s a complete guide
Most management courses require the students to undertake a research project, also often known as a dissertation or thesis or a consultancy type project. However; irrespective of what the report is called as; it involves producing a long piece of written work that offers a detailed, sustained and critical treatment of a chosen topic, case […]
The Research Process: Step-by-step guide to conduct effective research
Research process is a broader concept that includes all the steps and activities involved in conducting research from start to finish. It encompasses everything from defining research questions, literature review, data collection, data analysis, interpretation of findings, and reporting results. Planning to undertake research work? Understanding the research process will enable you to conduct research […]
Types of Research
Research is the creation of new knowledge. It can be categorized into four distinct types: Basic, Strategic, Applied & Experimental Development. Pure basic research is experimental and theoretical work undertaken to acquire new knowledge without looking for long-term benefits other than the advancement of knowledge. Basic, or blue-sky research, is the pursuit of new knowledge […]
Research Onion Model (by Saunders) Explained
The research onion, developed by Saunders and others, is an easy-to-understand diagram that shows the various stages that a researcher must take into account, in order to develop an effective research methodology (Saunders et al, 2012). The research onion describe the various stages through which the researcher must pass when formulating an effective methodology. First, […]
Measurement & Scaling (Research)
Measurement & Scaling in research / business (Research) Measurement & Scaling in research / business research. Measurement & Scaling: Introduction Measurement Assigning numbers or other symbols to characteristics of objects according to certain specified rules. Numbers permit statistical analysis of data Numbers facilitate the communication of measurement of rules and results Specification of rules for […]
Types of Sampling and ways to determine sample size
Sampling is the statistical process of selecting and studying the characteristics of a relatively small number of items from a relatively large population of such items to draw statistically valid inferences about the characteristics about the entire population. Learn more about sampling and the various methods of sampling. It is important to have a group […]