Long before cinema emerged as the choice of entertainment, Nautanki was the biggest source of entertainment for those living in the villages and towns of northern India. The popular folk operatic theater performance with its musical compositions and entertaining storylines captured the imagination of the rural people. In the hindi language, people still use the […]
Media Study Notes
Grand Strategy, National Security Strategy and Military Strategy
Q1) What is Grand Strategy, National Security Strategy and Military Strategy? Relate your answer to the Indian context. Answer: Grand Strategy Grand strategy involves thinking about the future goals and create plans on how it can be fulfilled. For a country, it means identifying and assessing national objectives, and then determining which instruments of national […]
Should there be one universal language?
Critically evaluate the question: Should there be one universal language? The thought of having a universal language is very enticing, as it should ideally make communication easier. In the past, some languages gained more popularity than others, mainly due to colonialism; efforts were also made to create new languages to make it easier for countries […]
Culture of pottery in India
Pottery is an age-old handicraft in India, and its roots can be traced back to the earliest times of civilization. For decades, it has been providing livelihoods to people in both rural and urban areas. Even in the present day, the pottery industry in India provides mass employment. However, while India has witnessed impressive growth […]
Is non-print media a threat to print media?
Print media largely refers to things such as Newspapers, magazines, periodicals. For a long time, this type was the most commonly used medium for disseminating information, news, and for advertising, and its usage is still widespread. Non-Print Media on the other hand includes everything other than print, such as Television. Radio, Digital, Out-of-Home and so […]
BATNA: Definition and Practical Examples
BATNA is an acronym for “Best alternative to a negotiated agreement”. Think of your BATNA (Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement) as your plan B. It is the most advantageous alternative that a negotiating party can take if negotiations fail and an agreement cannot be made. Here is a process developed by Harvard Law School to […]
Piya Behrupiya hindi play review
PIYA BEHRUPIYA is a musical adaptation in Hindi of William Shakespeare’s best known romantic comedies, TWELFTH NIGHT. The original play combines cruelty with comedy with subtle poetry and songs. Piya Behrupiya has been adapted by Amitosh Nagpal and directed by Atul Kumar for Company Theatre. The adaptation is based on the Nautanki style of performance. […]
TY. BMM Advertising Design Project: Things to do
Here are the things (branding and promotional materials) that you will have to submit as part of your TY. BMM Ad Design project. Logo unit (logotype+/ trade symbol+ tagline) Logo design booklet Stationary (Visiting card, Letterhead, envelope, Docket) Merchandise (utility freebies such as Mug / Pen stand / Keychain /T shirt/ umbrella/ book mark/ calendar […]
TYBMM Project Topics (Sem 5 & 6), how to score well in BMM project
BMM project ideas and topics, tips & suggestions on how to do well. Short Description for the Selected BMM Project Topic The teachers will expect you to provide a small writeup of the topic that you have chosen. You have to mention in short what the project is about, why it is being done, how […]
Basic Communication Model
Communication can be viewed as a process, and you can identify and improve the skills you need to be more successful. Here we take a look at the basic communication model. Several variations on this process model exist, but these eight steps provide a practical overview: The sender has an idea. Whether a communication effort […]
How to Write an Effective Print Ad: 5 Essentials
Writing an effective print ad, particularly a classified advertisement, requires that you remember five essential points. Failure to implement these points correctly can cost you much in the way of time lost and a sale missed. You’ve just cleaned out the attic and straightened up the garage. You’ve identified items you no longer need, but […]
Ethnic conflicts in Nagaland and Bosnia: Comparative Analysis
Ethnic conflicts in Nagaland and Bosnia: i) Critically examine the nature and characteristics of each ii) Do a comparative analysis of them The ethnic conflict in Nagaland is between the ethnic Nagas and the Indian government. The Nagas wanted a Greater homeland that would by formed by merger of contiguous Naga inhabited areas to the present Nagaland […]
Literature (BMM) Notes
Literature (BMM) notes for exams, assignments and project work. Literature The Novel Animal Farm 1. What was the dream that Major talks about in the first chapter, and how do the other animals implement it? 2. Describe the battle of Animal Farm. What was Snowball’s role in this battle? 3. In what ways did Snowball […]
Understanding Cinema (BMM) notes
Understanding Cinema (BMM) notes for exams, assignments and project work. Understanding Cinema: Questions Describe diverse film genres with examples, Describe broad range of films. What are the different genres in cinema? Trace the salient features of any three genres with the help of appropriate examples. Explain the significance of any 2 genres of cinema along […]
Journalism (BMM) Notes
Journalism (BMM) notes for exams, assignments and project work. Journalism Questions What is news? Explain news value with examples. Describe the history of Indian Journalism What is Editorial? Explain different types of Editorial. Sub editor’s role is limited to glorified clerk Comment and explain the editorial department with diagram and explanation. What is investigative journalism? […]
BMM (Bachelor in Mass Media): Syllabus, Notes, Answers
BMM (Bachelor in Mass Media) in Mumbai. Find the complete syllabus, books, references, notes, and answers of assignments and exams. Bachelor of Mass Media (BMM course) is an undergraduate program conducted by University of Mumbai. BMM offers exciting career options in Audio and Video Journalism, TV and Radio Communication, Cinema, Advertising, PR, Event Management & […]
Importance of brochures in marketing
Importance of brochures as a marketing tool. Why Make Brochures? A brochure is a useful print option that you can use as part of your business or product promotion. Its particularly important and useful for small businesses. A marketing brochure often includes a trifold layout with page inserts or a booklet format. Planning to start […]