Find Hindi debate topics for students in Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (Grades 6 to 12). These topics will also help you prepare for competitions. In most debates and elocution competitions, students are expected to talk for about 3 minutes on a topic (excluding the introduction of the student). Marks are given […]
Hindi Literature (Sahitya): Topics, Projects for ICSE and CBSE boards
The Hindi Literature (Sahitya) subject for ICSE and CBSE boards includes the works of great Indian writers covering several language and cultural aspects. These topics provide students with a comprehensive understanding of Hindi literature. ICSE Board Literary Works: ICSE Hindi Literature syllabus includes literary works (short stories, poems, novels) such as “Baat Athanni Ki” by […]
‘Baat Athanni Ki’ Story (‘बात अठन्नी की’ कहानी) by Sudarshan
“बात अठन्नी की” एक हिंदी लघुकथा है जो भ्रष्टाचार पर व्यंग करता है। यह लघुकथा भ्रष्टाचार को न मानने और दूसरों के प्रति दया दिखाने का संदेश देता है । इस कहानी में रसीला, मियाँ रमजान, इंजीनियर बाबू जगतसिंह, और जिला मजिस्ट्रेट शेख सलीमुद्दीन जैसे पात्र हैं। “Baat Athanni Ki” (बात अठन्नी की) is a […]
Diary Lekhan (Hindi)
दैनिकी में विचार,अनुभव और निरिक्षण इन तीन बातों का बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण स्थान है। दिन में घटी हुई किसी भी घटना का निरिक्षण कर उस पर विचार कर और उसे अपने अनुभव के साथ जोड़ना ही एक सफल दैनिकी कहलाती हैं। सबसे पहले समय और स्थान के बारे में जानकारी देना आवशयक है। दिन में […]
Hindi Diwas 2024: History, Significance and Interesting Facts
Hindi Diwas is celebrated every year on September 14 to promote the Hindi language. On Sept 14, 1949, Hindi was adopted as one of the official languages of the Republic of India. Hindi has been used as a literary language in India since the 12th century. Many Indian freedom fighters had adopted Hindi as a […]
Hindi Grammar Reference Guide
Grammar is called व्याकरण (pronounced as Vyakaran) in Hindi. List of topics within Hindi Grammar (Vyakaran) Hindi vs English Grammar If you speak English, then you would have been accustomed to the English format of subject-verb-object in grammar. But in Hindi grammar, the format that is followed is subject-object-verb which simply means that the verbs […]
Hindi varnamala, swar aur vyanjan
Varna can be said to be the alphabets of Hindi language. In Hindi language, there are total 44 alphabets. All the Varna’s together is known as Varnamala. Varnamala in Hindi is made of Swar (11 of them) and Vyanjan (33 of them). भाषा की सबसे छोटी इकाई ‘वर्ण’ कहलाती है। हिनी भाषा में मूल रूप […]
Acknowledgement sample (in Hindi) for Hindi project
Find sample acknowledgements in Hindi for your Hindi school project. Lot of school projects (ICSE, CBSE) require you to have an acknowledgement section besides following a fixed format (Introduction, main body, conclusion, etc). The acknowledgement section is where you thanks your teachers, and all those who helped you complete the project. You’re also expected to […]
Panna Dai – Symbol of Extraordinary Loyalty and Sacrifice
Panna Dai (Dai/Dhai means a maid) story of supreme sacrifice and loyalty. Introduction Panna Dhai (also spelled as Dai) was a nursemaid to Udai Singh II, the fourth son of Maharana Sangram Singh, in the 16th-century. The name Panna in Hindi means ’emerald’ (precious stone), and dai / dhai means a nurse in the Hindi language. Panna Dhai was given charge […]
Hindi (Projects & Notes) for ICSE Class 10
Hindi projects for ICSE Class 10: Hindi is an important subject in ICSE Class 10. Here we have reviewed various resources that will help students of ICSE Class 10 to score better marks in the examination. प्राकृतिक आपदा: ‘करोना वायरस’ प्राकृतिक आपदा किसे कहते हैं हाल ही में विश्वस्तर पर चल रही प्राकृतिक अप्पदा ‘करोना […]
Hindi – Matras (मात्रा) for Beginners
Hindi matras are also known as vowel signs. Every letter (swar) in Hindi has its associated sound and that can be altered using the various matras. If you live in India, you will have to learn to read and write in Hindi. Hindi and other regional languages (such as Marathi) are introduced at an early […]