CBSE Class 12 students have to make a Business Project as part of their Class 12 Business Studies (BST) wherein they have to do literature review, gather data, make inferences and give conclusions. Here’s how to create a Business Studies class 12 project (BST project) on various topics such as principles of management, elements of […]
CBSE Study Notes
Class 12 (CBSE): English Projects
English Project ideas for Class 12 (CBSE) students. The Project can be Inter-disciplinary in theme. The ideas/issues highlighted In the chapters/ poems/ drama given the prescribed books can also be developed in the form of a project. Students can also take up any relevant and age-appropriate theme. Such topics may be taken up that provide […]
CBSE ASL Topics: English Listening and Speaking Skills
CBSE boards’ Assessment of Listening and Speaking skills (ASL) (also known as Listening and Speaking Skills (ALS)) evaluates a student’s listening, speaking, and communication skills in English. It also assesses the analytical reasoning skills of students by asking them various questions on the topic. What is the ASL Test? The ASL test comprises of: Listening […]
Social Science: ECONOMICS (Class 9): Projects
Social Science: ECONOMICS (Class 9): Projects and Assignments Question Select ANY ONE ACTIVITY from the following list: The activity selected by you will be your MULTIPLE ASSESSMENT activity. 1. Mono acting- A newspaper/radio channel/ TV channel wants to interview different classes of farmers in Palampur to ascertain their different lifestyles. Imagine you are a farmer […]
The Fun They Had by (Isaac Asimov)
Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 1 The Fun They Had: “The Fun They Had” is a story (a science fiction) by American writer Isaac Asimov and one of the chapters in English literature subject (CBSC). Answer in Short Q. How old are Margie and Tommy? Ans: Margie is eleven and Tommy is thirteen-year-old. Q. What […]
CBSE Class-10 Social Science
CBSE Class 10 Social Science syllabus and study notes. Social Science Studies (SST) Class X content draws mainly from History, Geography, Political Science and Economics. Some elements of Sociology and Commerce are also included. Subject Enrichment Project Work Activity Social Science Subject Enrichment Activity (SST)/ Class X. Every student has to compulsorily undertake any one […]
Subject Enrichment Project Work Activity: Science
Subject Enrichment Project Work Activity (Science subject) for Class IX. Project Work (Subject Enrichment). Subject: Science Theory : Be Conscious – Craft your future Activity : Agenda 21 – A blueprint for Sustainability. DESCRIPTION: Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organisations of the United Nations […]
Subject Enrichment Activities – CBSE
Subject enrichment activities in CBSE are activities that help students learn more about a subject beyond the regular curriculum. Social Science (SST) Subject Enrichment Project Work Activity – Class IX Question: Theme: Be Inclusive in Thought and Action. Topic: Clean and Green is our Perfect Dream: Sustainable Development “Never doubt that a small group of […]
Hindrances to trade
Hindrances to trade, for CBSE Class 11 and Class 12 students. Hindrance of persons Hindrance of place Hindrance of time Hindrance of risk Hindrance of exchange Hindrance of knowledge Hindrance of Persons: Hindrance of persons (resources) can be overcome by hiring more manpower. Hindrance of Place: Hindrance of place is generally overcome by taking goods […]
CBSE Class 12 Business Studies
Students of CBSE Class 12 have Business Studies as a subject that exposes the students to useful business concepts. Find Class 12 notes for Business Studies that are prepared by subject matter experts; these notes notes will provide you with complete overview of all the chapters of business studies that will help you perform well […]
Class 12 (CBSE) project on principles of management (Business studies)
The students are required to visit any one of the following: A departmental store, An Industrial unit, A fast food outlet, Any other organization approved by the teacher. They are required to observe the application of the general principles of management advocated by Henri Fayol. Solution: I chose to visit branch of the Fast Food […]