Most students grumble about taking a capstone course or project, that one last step before graduation as outlined by their degree requirements.
The capstone course is the last class in a program of study. It’s called a capstone because it represents a crowning achievement as a capstone does in architecture.
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For some degree programs, a capstone course may require a project and subsequent presentation; for others, it may include an assessment exam to test interdisciplinary skills (like math, writing, critical thinking, etc.). A capstone may also involve a final research paper exploring a topic of interest, emerging from a student’s individualized program of study.
Ultimately, a capstone project represents new work and ideas, and gives you the opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge and skills you have gained during your college career.
Want help with your Capstone project? Checkout these links:
Capstone Project Format
The project format may differe a bit depending on the college/university, but these are usually the major sections that should be present in any Capstone Project.
- Front Page: Title, student name, Roll/Id, University/College
- Certificate: It states that the student has successfully completed his/her project (for specific year, course, etc)
- Declaration: Your declaration saying that it is an original work and not copied from anywhere.
- Acknowledgement: Thank teachers, supporting staff, college, library, etc.
- Executive Summary: Short summary of what the project is trying to achieve
- Table of Content
- Introduction (of Industry, Company)
- Objective of the project/study
- Literature Review
- Methodology
- Limitations
- Analysis & findings
- Conclusion & Recommendation
- Annexures
- Questionnaire
- Bibliography
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