Cambridge IGCSE German Student Book (Second Edition) by Mariela Affum is an excellent German Learning book for school students (both ICSE and CBSE). Many schools use this book for teaching German to build language skills and increase cultural awareness.
Chapters/Content of the Book
Introduce myself: My home; My school; My eating habits; My body and my health.
My home
Wo ich wohne (Where I live)
Mein Zuhause (My house)
Was ch zu Hause mache (What i do at home)
Eine Beschreibung von meinem Zuhause (Describe your rooms)My School
Mein Stundenplan (My timetable)
Ein typischer Schultag (A typical school day)
Meine Schulgebäude (My school building)
Das Schulleben in den deutschsprachigen Ländern (The school life in German-speaking countries)My eating habits
Essen und trinken (Eating and drinking)
Meinungen zum Essen rund um die Welt (Opinions on food around the world)
Eine ausgewogene Ernährung (A balanced diet)1.4 My body and my health
1.4a Körperteile und Krankheit (Body parts and disease)
1.4b Der Körper und seine Krankheiten (The body and its diseases)
1.4c Wie man sich fit hält (How to keep fit)
1.4d Gesund leben (Healthy living)Short notes on the topics:
Ich bin krank. Mein Bauch tut weh und mein Zahn tut weh. Es geht mir sehr schlecht. Ich habe Fieber, also trinke ich viel Tee. Ich bleibe zu Hause und gehe zum Arzt.”My family and my friends, at home and abroad: Self, family, pets, personal, relationships; Life at home; Leisure, entertainments, invitations; Eating out; Special Occasions; Going on Holiday; Family and Friends Abroad.
Self, family, pets, personal relationships
Familie und Haustiere (Family and pets)
Beschreibungen (Describing people)
Charaktereigenschaften beschreiben (Describing character traits)
Beziehungen zu Familie und Freunden (Relationship to family and friends)Life at home
Der Tagesablauf zu Hause (The daily routine at home)
Die Hausarbeit (The househld chores)
Ich helfe meiner Familie (I help my family)
Leisure, entertainments, invitations
Hobbys – Lass uns ausgehen (Hobbies – Let’s go out)
Wann treffen wir uns (When do we meet)
Was für eine Woche (What a week)Eating out
Im Imbiss (In the snack bar)
Guten Appetit (Enjoy your meal)
Essen wir heute Chinesisch oder Indisch? (Are we eating Chinese or Indian today?)Special occasions
Besondere Anlässe in meinem Kalender (Special occasions in my calendar)
Eine Party (A Party)
Wir feiern (We are celebrating)Going on holiday
Ferienunterkünfte und Ferienziele (Holiday accommodations and holiday destinations)
Meine Ferien (My Holidays)
Reisepläne (travel plans)Family and friends abroad
5000 Kilometer weg…aber auch nahe (5000 kilometers away…but also close)
Schön, dass du da bist (Its nice that you’re here)
Das war ein toller Besuch (That was a great visit)Where I live and what it’s like: Home town and geographical surroundings; Shopping; Public services; Natural environment; Weather; Finding the way; Travel and transport.
Studying and Working: German schools; Further education and training; Future career plans; Employment; Communication and technology at work.
The International perspective: International travel; Weather on holiday; Festivals and faiths; International menus; Environmental problems.
Grammar (Grammatik) section.
The later chapters, such as Chapter 4 and 5, require higher German skills, compared to the first 3 chapters which require comparatively easier German skills.
The chapters are further divided into various sections such as:
- Reading material and exercises
- Writing exercises
- Speaking exercises
- Vocabulary exercises
- Phonics exercises
- Listening material and exercises Grammar exercises (you can further refer to the Grammar section at the end)
Also Read: More Learn German Topics; Useful Resources
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