Introduction to C++ programming language for students. C++ programming is used to introduce students to the concept of object orientation.
C++ Basic Input / Output
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C++ I/O operation uses the stream concept. Stream is the sequence of bytes or flow of data. It makes the performance fast. If bytes flow from main memory to device like printer, display screen, or a network connection, etc., this is called as output operation. If bytes flow from device like printer, display screen, or a network connection, etc., to main memory, this is called as input operation.
Standard Output Stream (cout)
The cout is a predefined object of ostream class. It is connected with the standard output device, which is usually the display screen. The cout is used in conjunction with stream insertion operator (<<) to display the output on a console.
Standard Input Stream (cin)
The cin is a predefined object of istream class. It is connected with them Standard Input device, which is usually a keyboard. The cin is used in conjunction with stream extraction operator (>>) to read the input from a console.
Practicals / Assignments on C++ language
Question. Develop minimum 2 programs using constants, variables, arithmetic expression, operators, exhibiting data type conversion.
Question. Develop a program to implement decision making statements (If-else, switch).
Question. Develop a program to demonstrate control structures (for, while, do-while).
Question. Develop a program to implement 1-dimension array.
Question. Develop a program to perform matrix operations using multi-dimensional array.
Question. Develop a program that implements a class and use it with objects.
Question. Develop a program that implements a class and creates array of objects.
Question. Write a program to implement friend function.
Question. Write a program to implement inline function.
Question. Write a program to implement all types of constructors (constructor overloading) with destructor.
Question. Write a program for implementing single inheritance.
Question. Write a program for implementing multi level inheritance.
Question. Write a program for implementing multiple inheritance.
Question. Develop minimum 1 program to demonstrate Pointer to object.
Question. Develop minimum 1 program to demonstrate Pointer to derived class.
Question. Write a program to demonstrate operator overloading for Unary operator.
Question. Write a program to demonstrate operator overloading for Binary operator.
Question. Write a program to demonstrate function overloading.
Question. Write a program to read and write data to and from a file.
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