Books written by great Indian Political Leaders.
India in the 21′ Century is grappling with many challenges, a major one being the Pandemic along with other issues like ill- governance, politics, corruption resulting into sufferings of the masses. Vested interest have taken over priority as against values like sacrifice, patriotism and brotherhood.
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Who should take the lead? How can we know if the existing leaders are doing a right job? Where do the answers to such questions lie? The answer lies in the guidance left for us by our great leaders and the best access to this guidance is through the books written by them.
The following books provide great insights to our questions:
- Poverty and un-British rule in India by Dadabai Naoroji
- The Story of my Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi
- Discovery of India by Jawaharlal Nehru
- Why I am an Atheist by Bhagat Singh
- ‘The Scope of Happiness: A Personal Memoir’ by Vijayalakshmi Pandit
- Wings of Fire by Abdul Kalam
“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends, they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers” – Charles. W. Eliot.
Let us pick up the wisdom from the above leaders and their books.
Academic Questions
Q. Write a book review of any one of the following works: Dadabai Naoroji’s ‘Poverty and unBritish rule in India’, Gandhi’s ‘The Story of my Experiments with Truth’, Nehru’s ‘Discovery of India’, Bhagat Singh’s ‘Why I am an Atheist’, Vijayalakshmi Pandit’s ‘The Scope of Happiness: A Personal Memoir’, Abdul Kalam’s ‘Wings of Fire’
.Topic: Prepare and present a book review on the books by Indian Political Leaders.Task 1: Read and prepare a book- review on any one of the above mentioned books.
Read any one book and make original inferences. The book review must be authentic; any kind of plagiarism is not allowed. Any kind of referencing done must be mentioned as footnotes/ bibliography.
Task 2: Based on the !earnings from the book, write a speech on the following topics:
How have the writings of the leader influenced you? Which leadership qualities and values would you adopt from the leader in order to groom yourself as a future leader? Your speech must be between 200-350 words. You will be given an opportunity to present a part of your speech in the “Book- review consortium” organized in your class.
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