Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS): Project Work
Inclusion of project work in the course curriculum of the Bachelor of Management Studies programme is one of the ambitious aspects in the programme structure. The main objective of inclusion of project work is to inculcate the element of research analyse and scientific temperament challenging the potential of learner as regards to his/ her eager to enquire and ability to interpret particular aspect of the study. It is expected that the guiding teacher should undertake the counselling sessions and make the awareness among the learners about the methodology of formulation, preparation and evaluation pattern of the project work.
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There are two modes of preparation of project work
- Project work based on research methodology in the study area
- Project work based on internship in the study area
General guidelines for preparation of project work based on Research Methodology
The project topic may be undertaken in any area of Elective Courses.
Structure to be followed to maintain the uniformity in formulation and presentation of Project Work (Model Structure of the Project Work)
Chapter No. 1: Introduction
In this chapter Selection and relevance of the problem, historical background of the problem, brief profile of the study area, definition/s of related aspects, characteristics, different concepts pertaining to the problem etc can be incorporated by the learner.
Chapter No. 2: Research Methodology
This chapter will include Objectives, Hypothesis, Scope of the study, limitations of the study, significance of the study, Selection of the problem, Sample size, Data collection, Tabulation of data, Techniques and tools to be used, etc can be incorporated by the learner.
Chapter No. 3: Literature Review
This chapter will provide information about studies done on the respective issue. This would specify how the study undertaken is relevant and contribute for value addition in information/ knowledge/ application of study area which ultimately helps the learner to undertake further study on same issue.
Chapter No. 4: Data Analysis, Interpretation and Presentation
This chapter is the core part of the study. The analysis pertaining to collected data will be done by the learner. The application of selected tools or techniques will be used to arrive at findings. In this, table of information’s, presentation of graphs etc. can be provided with interpretation by the learner.
Chapter No. 5: Conclusions and Suggestions
In this chapter of project work, findings of work will be covered and suggestion will be enlisted to validate the objectives and hypotheses.
Note: If required more chapters of data analysis can be added.
BMS Project Topics
Topic: The Impact of Personal Selling on Buying Behaviour with Special Reference to Clothing Stores in Sri Lanka
Both BBA (Bachelors of Business Administration) and BMS (Bachelor of Management Studies) are professional undergraduate program for management studies and include analytical and logical oriented studies as well as core studies. The topics covered include Business Organisation, Business Communication, Fundamentals of Accounting, Business Mathematics, Management Concepts & Practices, Organisational Behavior, Managerial Economics, Management Accounting, Business Environment, Business Statics, Marketing Management, etc.
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