BMS (Bachelor of Management Studies): Assignment & Project Topics
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1. Define management. Explain the various characteristics and importance of management.
2. Why Frederick Taylor is called the father of scientific management and Henri Fayol the
father of modern management theory?
3. Define planning. Explain the characteristics and steps involved in the planning process.
4. Define a leader. Discuss the qualities of a successful leader.
5. Describe the responsibilities of management towards employees and consumers.
6. Explain the concept of conflict management with the help of various views of conflicts?
7. Explain the concept of social responsibility of management?
8. Explain the contribution made by F.W. Taylor towards management?
9. Hawthorne effect led to the recognition of the importance of psychological and social factors at work. Elaborate.
10. Explain different styles of Leadership.
11. Define staffing with special reference to recruitment.
12. Differentiate between recruitment and selection. Describe the steps involved in the selection
13. What is the meaning group dynamics? Explain the features of formal and informal groups.
14. Decision making is an important conceptual tool of management. Discuss in details the
process of decision making.
15. Define stress. What are the causes of organizational stress? Suggest the coping mechanisms
to deal with it.
16. Define management. Explain in detail managerial roles given by Henry Mintzberg.
17. Differentiate between recruitment and selection. Describe the steps involved in the selection
18. ‘Managers at all levels require some competence in each of the technical, human and conceptual, albeit with difference in emphasis.’ Analyse the statement with suitable example.
19. In the words of Stephen Covey ‘synergy is the highest activity of life’. Discuss this statement with reference to importance of teams at the workplace. What are the types of Teams?
20. How did identification of the Hawthorne effect lead to the recognition of the importance of
psychological and social factors at work?
1. Define the term manager with a suitable example. What is the difference between as manager and a leader?
2. What is performance appraisal? Evaluate the importance of performance appraisal in an industrial organisation.
3. Explain the term International management in detail?
4. Define decision making. What is the importance of decision making?
5. What is TQM? What suggestions would you offer to make TQM effective?
6. What is stress? What are the causes of stress? What are the methods of stress management?
7. What is team building? What is its significance in an organization?
8. Explain the importance of motivation in management? Leadership Qualities
9. Authority and Subordination
10. Discuss the scientific management advocated by FW Taylor.
11. Explain the contributions of Peter Drucker to management field.
12. Define leadership. What are the styles of leadership in an organization.
13. Explain Corporate Social Responsibility. Cite examples.
14. What is contingency approach to management?
15. What are the factors responsible resistance to change.
1. Define ‘Scientific Management’. Explain its features.
2. What are the levels of management? Explain the functions of all levels.
3. State the contribution of Hawthorne experiment?
4. What is planning? Explain the process of planning?
5. Why co-ordination is important to business?
6. Define “Decision Making”. Elaborate its process.
7. What is group dynamics? Explain different types of groups.
8. What is meant by conflict? State the main causes of conflict.
9. Describe standing plans and single plans.
10. Define team management. Explain the features of team management.
11. What is meant by stress? State the main causes of stress.
12. What is management of change? Explain the features of management of change.
13. How would you overcome resistance to change?
14. Explain the steps involved in the process of management of change.
15. What do you mean by international management? Explain the features of international management.
1. Contingency Approach to Management
2. Systems Approach
3. Management of change
4. Total Quality Management
5. Manager
6. Motivation
7. Communication
8. Group Influence
9. Supervision
10. Functions of Management
11. Informal groups
12. Budgeting
13. Social responsibility
14. International Management
15. Crisis Management
16. TQM
Academic Questions for BBA/BMS Students
Here are some of the projects, assignment works that BBA students are commonly asked to do.
Select any newly started small local business of your choice where you may have some existing knowledge or access to resources and skills through personal networks
Question: As an Entrepreneur how a Businessman forecasts demand to grasp marketable opportunities in the initial stages of starting a business.
Key Points to be covered:
- 1. Introduction part – Of entrepreneur (including specialized skills) Type of Business Organization
- 2. Introduction of Product/ Service
- 3 Analyzing Demand for Product/ Service
- 4. Target Customers (to which type customers product / service is meant)
- 5. Entry into market (type of market chosen and business development)
- 6. Analyzing Success in the Market
Note: Use Pictures, diagrams/charts, collage etc., to support your work.
Question: Analyse key considerations for evaluating growth opportunities and justify these considerations within an organizational context.
- Use any two analytical framework eg. Pestle, Porters generic, BCG, Mckinsey matrix, Product life cycle and analyse the evaluation of growth opportunities available to the selected business based on the frameworks used e.g. new product/services, innovation. etc.
- Justify the considerations of growth opportunities available to the selected organization.
Hint: How to evaluate growth opportunities
- Research your customer and competition
- Explore adjacent opportunities
- Understand the business environment factors e.g technological developments, Government regulations, Economic indicators, Trade Policies, Social and cultural norms.
Create the PPT for the same.
P2) Evaluate the opportunities for growth applying Ansoff’s growth vector matrix.
- Apply Ansoff’s growth matrix to selected organisation – market penetration, product/service development, market development, unrelated diversification.
- Write the strengths and weaknesses of growth opportunities available to the business based on Ansoff growth vector matrix by demonstrating the understanding of competitive advantage.
- Give Conclusion
Question: Assess the potential sources of funding available to businesses and discuss benefits and drawbacks of each sources.
- Examine the different sources of finance available to different business and list down its merits and demerits of each source with appropriate example.
- Identify the potential sources of funding suitable for the selected organisation with its significant or relevance and justify your answer.
P4) Design a business plan for growth that includes financial information and strategic objectives for scaling up a business.
Evaluate growth opportunities available to business. Based on the evaluation, create a business plan for the selected organisation to scale up the business. Business Plan Should include:
- Vision
- Mission
- Target market
- SWOT Analysis
- Pricing strategy
- Action plan- What, Where, When, Why
- Strategic Implementation framework
- Allocation of funds and create estimated budget
- Stakeholder analysis
- Monitor and evaluation- Balance Scorecard
- Conclusion and Justification
P5) Assess exit or succession options for a small business explaining the benefits and drawbacks of each option.
Assess whether business should used exit option or succession option. Based on the assessment, explain either exist options available to business along with its benefits and drawbacks or succession options available to business along with its benefits and drawbacks.
SMU BBA Solved Assignments – Bachelor of Business Administration
SMU BBA solved assignments – Bachelor of Business Administration. The BBA course by SMU (distance education) is a popular course among several students all over India.
distance education is increasingly becoming popular among Indian students. There are many who take a break from full time education (due to personal reasons); courses like these are perfect for such students. BBA is also a great course for someone who wants to understand business and management (for those running family managed business).
SMUDE ( Sikkim Manipal University – Distance Education ) Assignment Answers for Semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter Drive.
As part of the BBA course, students are required to submit assignments from time to time. However, it can be a challenge for working students to spare time for assignments. Its not that the assignments questions are tough; its just that working hours and commuting hardly leaves time for many. This is where we can help you.
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