Social work: Notes, assignments, projects. Ethical Standards in Social Work The ethical standards relevant to the professional activities of social workers. These standards concern: (i) the ethical responsibilities of social workers to clients, (ii) the ethical responsibilities of social workers to colleagues, (iii) the ethical responsibilities of social workers in the exercise of their profession, […]
New Economic Policy of 1991 (Liberalization/Reforms)
The New Economic Policy of India policy was introduced in 1991 by the P. V. Narasimha Rao government, which exposed the India Economy to the global world for the first time. Also referred to as the LPG Model of growth, The New Economic Policy of 1991 has brought changes in various sectors of the Indian […]
Typical ‘University Interview Questions’ for Study Abroad Programs
Several universities abroad conduct interviews of prospective students. So if you’re based in India and intend to study abroad, please bear that in mind. If not a face to face interview, the foreign university will expect you to answer a list of questions in order to know more about you, and the reasons why you […]
How to Write an Essay for a STUDY ABROAD program
If your university abroad requires you to write a personal essay or statement for your application (some don’t!), doing so isn’t as big a deal as those essays you wrote for admission to college — unless it must be written in a foreign language. The host school usually merely wants to find out more about […]
Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Raja Ram Mohan Roy and His Reforms to Eradicate Social Evils. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was a great reformer and thinker, much ahead of his times, and fought hard to get rid of various social evils from the Indian society. He is well known for his efforts to abolish the practices of sati and child […]
Projects on “Simple Living, High Thinking”
Simple Living High Thinking means one needs to lead a simpler life (no ostentation, no show-off, fulfill basic needs) but needs to have high thinking, which is beyond the nitty-gritty’s of day to day life. Projects on Simple Living, High Thinking “Indians who have made a mark in their life, their ideals and values.” Research […]
Physical Measurements (Physics)
Density of irregular solid Experiment to determine the density of irregular solid. To determine the density of an irregular solid, we have to measure its mass and volume. The mass of the body is measured with the help of a beam balance. To measure the volume of the solid, we use the displacement method i.e. […]
Role of Media
Right from the beginning, the role of media has been to enable the communication of information, news, messages to reach a wide audience, and more importantly, over the geographical dispersed audience. Over the years, the media became a powerful tool to disseminate information. What is Media Media refers to the main means of mass communication […]
Python Programming for School Students (ICSE, CBSE)
Python for ICSE, NCERT, CBSE school students as part of Computer Science subject. Get familiar with programming and important concepts in Python. Find tutorials, example programs, coding exercises, problems, quizzes, assignments, and small projects to reinforce concepts. These concepts are suitable for school students in 9th – 12th class/grade. No prior programming experience is needed […]
Scratch Programming: A Fun Way to Learn Coding for School Students
Learning to code has become an essential skill for students in today’s digital age. Scratch programming provides an excellent platform for school students to start their coding journey. With its intuitive visual interface and block-based coding system, Scratch makes coding enjoyable for students of all ages. Program and Programming Language A computer follows stepwise instructions […]
Common Sentence Writing Problems & How to Fix Them
In academic writing, Undergraduate and Masters students often encounter specific challenges that can affect the clarity and quality of their sentences. Being aware of these common issues while framing sentences and actively working to address them during the writing and revision process can significantly enhance the quality of your academic writing. Here are some common […]
What is Branding? Basics & Concepts of Brand Management
In Brand management, terms like brand, brand values, brand image, brand identify, brand position, brand equity, brand performance, may seem related, they have distinct meanings in brand management although they may be interconnected. For example, a brand has an identity, which contributes to its image, position, and equity. The values of a brand guide its […]
Colloquium for Thesis or Dissertation: How to write, structure
In the context of a thesis or dissertation, a colloquium typically refers to a presentation or oral defense of the research work done by the student. It is an opportunity for the student to present their findings, methodology, and conclusions to a panel of faculty members, experts, and peers. Once you have completed your thesis/dissertation, […]
Essay On Advertisement for School Students
Essay Topics for Students from Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Topic: Impact of Advertisements on Consumers Advertisements play a significant role in our daily lives, influencing our choices and shaping our perceptions of products and services. In today’s fast-paced world, we are bombarded with advertisements through various mediums, such as television, radio, social media, […]
History of Toys: Trace the Evolution of Playthings through this Toy Story
From dolls to robots, toys and playthings have evolved through time. Here’s a brief history of toys. In this blog post, we will take a journey through time to explore the history of toys, from the earliest known examples to the modern era. We will examine the role of toys in human culture, and how […]
Cool Science Experiments for Kids
Here are some cool science experiments that are safe to be performed at home. Science Fun Experiments at Home Here are some experiments that you can do at home, along with your kids. Tornado in a jarThis is a popular experiment among children of all ages and is pretty simple to do too. Ingredients needed […]
Thesis Statements: How to write (Examples)
A thesis statement is an important part of an academic paper as it helps the reader to clearly identify the points to be discussed in the rest of the paper. It typically appears towards the the end of the introduction of the article. Including a thesis statement in your academic writing (essay, research paper) helps […]
Speed reading: Top reasons to improve it
Speed reading is a set of techniques that helps you increase your reading speed while maintaining comprehension. It involves getting rid of certain reading habits and using specific patterns to read faster. The goal is to absorb more information quickly and efficiently. Professional, researchers and students who need to work on big projects, capstone projects, […]
Research Philosophy & Paradigms
Research philosophy informs how the researcher plans to study the external world, the beliefs and assumptions, that guides the research process. There are various research philosophies that exists which the researcher could adopt in evaluating a phenomenon. Research philosophy refers to the assumptions and beliefs that guide researcher in data collection, analysis, and interpretation. The […]
ICSE Class 7 Chemistry: Notes, Solutions, Syllabus
The topics covered in ICSE Class 7 Chemistry provide a strong foundation in chemistry for students, which will enable them to study the subject in greater depth in the higher grades. Topics covered in ICSE Class 7 Chemistry Matter and its composition: Learn important concepts such as what is matter (has mass and occupies space), […]