Business Statistics: Key concepts, questions, and assignments. Quantitative Techniques in in business decision making. Management (MBA) questions, assignments on Business Statistics on Business Statistics. Q. For the given data set representing the runs scored by two players in last 15 matches, conduct the following analysis: Data: Match No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 […]
[MBA] case study, company supplies ceramic floor tile to top home improvement stores
Your company supplies ceramic floor tile to Home Depot, Lowe’s, and other home improvement stores. You have been asked to start using radio frequency identification tags (RFID) on each case of tiles you ship to help your customers improve the management of your products and those of other suppliers in their warehouse. 1. Use the […]
[MBA] What does it mean to strategically manage employees? Identify and explain
What does it mean to strategically manage employees? Identify and explain the three primary HR activities. Which of the three primary HR activities is most challenging and why? Employees Management is not the core activity of an organization but is not less important than other core functionalities. Without well organized and good staffing achieve of […]
[MBA] Case Study : The Turnaround At Ford
For the past several years, Ford has been going through difficult times. The company’s share of the automobile market continues to shrink, and its cost structure has contributed to financial losses. In 2006, Ford lost $12.6 billion. In 2007, Ford did better, posting losses of only $2.7 billion. At the same time, however, Ford’s market […]
Coniferous Forest: Lesson for Kids
Some of the tallest and oldest trees in the world are in coniferous forests around the world. These giant trees are able to endure the cold winters and poor soil conditions found in the coniferous forest regions (Taiga). Coniferous forest is generally found in the far north with a vast area of coniferous forest being […]
Hotel Management: Case Studies
Start your career with the top hotel management institutes in Mumbai / India, these colleges have been the choice of thousands of successful hospitality professionals for years. Tourism is growing rapidly that offers many exciting careers in today’s upcoming field. The top hotel management colleges provide enhanced and quality education to the budding managers and […]
Anger Management for Kids: Useful Techniques & Best Resources
Children throwing tantrums in malls, restaurants, movie theaters is a common sight. However, in certain cases, it can really be embarrassing for parents. The look of helplessness, coupled with embarrassment, on the face of the parent is exactly what most parents feel when their children throw a similar fit. If you’re right, there is no […]
Understanding Right To Education (RTE)
We all have heard about Right To Education (RTE), but do you know what are it’s rules regarding admission to schools? The RTE is an Indian legislation enacted by the Parliament of India to provide free and compulsory education for children between 6 and 14 in India. India became one of 135 countries to make […]
Importance of Goal Setting
Importance of Goal Setting: Plan to Live Your Life Your Way Why Set Goals? Top sports-persons, business men, companies, achievers in all fields, know the importance of setting goals. That is the only way you know if you’re on track to achieve something, and if you’re on schedule. Clearly defined goals with accompanying timelines, helps […]
Unbelievable Facts about Light
Unbelievable and amazing facts about light, especially for school children. Light is the fastest thing in the universe, it travels through space at 300,000 km/sec. Light takes 1.255 seconds to get from the Earth to the Moon. Light takes 8 minutes to travel from the sun to Earth If a beam of light could travel […]
What is a ‘palindrome’
Heard of the word ‘palindrome’ before? Here’s what it means. A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters which reads the same, when you read it forward or backward. Here are some examples of palindrome words: Madam, racecar, malayalam, did, deed, civic, pop, eye, rotor, radar, nun, mom, and dad. Students […]
International Business Concepts
International Business/Trade concepts. International business refers to all commercial transactions between parties in two or more countries. While private firms are profit-oriented, Government organizations may or may not be profit-oriented. The international business environment is more complex and diverse than the domestic business environment. Over the years, International business has facilitated the globalization process. International […]
Five senses (sense organs) in human body: Activities, craft ideas, school projects
Here are the five Sense Organs in Human Beings — eyes, ears, tongue, skin, and nose. These sense organs contain receptors that relay information through sensory neurons to the appropriate places within the nervous system. These sense organs help protect the body. Are there more sens organs? Some scientist argue that humans have more than […]
Easy tips to improve English spelling skills
Improve English spelling skills. Here are simple techniques that you can use to help your child or students become better spellers. I often use these strategies while teaching my kids. Look at the syllables in spelling words, and spell the word one syllable at a time. This strategy makes use of syllable breakdown. You can […]
Cool and fun Math Games & Activities
Find reviews of popular, cool and fun math games, activities and learning resources. Table spin wheel: Maths activity in school Table spin wheel is a popular math activity for kids in schools. Things you need to make a table spin wheel: Card board circle cutouts: 8cm, 6cm, 2 cm One *Board pin* Sketchpen […]
All About Rainforests: Useful Information for Kids
Rainforests are called so because of the high amount of rainfall it gets all around the year. They are also home to millions of plants and animals. Rainforests are located across the world, generally around the equator, between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Central and South America, Africa, India, Southeast Asia, […]
Nails in the WALL (Story to control temper)
Does your child has temper issues? Here’s a nice story that you can share. NAILS IN THE WALL There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His Father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper,he must hammer a nail into the back of […]
15 ways to teach ‘good manners’ to your children
Here are some helpful tips/suggestions on how to inspire manners in your children. 1. When entering the house greet your children or even hug them. This should help develop their sense of love and self worth. 2. Be good to your neighbours and never backbite. Never speak ill of other drivers when on the road. […]
Learn Chinese in India: Top Reasons
Best resources and courses to learn to speak Chinese (Mandarin). These innovative teaching methods make learning Mandarin Chinese a simple and enjoyable experience. Why Learn Chinese Language? Even though India may not have the most friendly relations with China, there’s no doubt that business all over the world, including India, want to tap the huge […]
Sigmund Freud: Take the Test to See What Are Your Priorities in Life
Five things are happening in your house at the same time. In which sequence would you solve them? The telephone is ringing! The baby is crying! Someone’s knocking or calling you from the front door! You hung the clothes out to dry and it is beginning to rain! You left the tap on in the […]