People’s Home Gadgets (PHG) is a relatively young company that competes in the consumer electronics and appliances industry (TVs, computers, kitchen appliances, etc.). It has quite a large selection of items, and the range of the products PHG carries spans the price spectrum of very low cost to very high end. For example, some of […]
Teacher’s Training Courses for Early Childhood Education
The teaching profession appeals to many, especially women, and if one enjoys being with kids and have a flair for teaching, they should definitely consider taking up teaching. Introduction In recent years, early education training programs have evolved significantly. Early Childhood Education now concerns teaching the very young child and involves academic, emotional, social and […]
How to determine alkalinity of water sample
Alkalinity is primarily a way of measuring the capacity of water to neutralize acids (ability to maintain a relatively constant pH). The possibility to maintain constant pH is due to the hydroxides, carbonates and bicarbonates ions present in water. The ability of natural water to act as a buffer is controlled in part by the […]
Abacus Brain Gym for Kids: Activities, Exercises & Games
Abacus Brain Gym: Come summer time, and you will have various people organizing Brain gym sessions for kids that will be full of Activities, Exercises & Games. Brain Gym Brain Gym involves activities to help children & adults overcome learning difficulties. Brain Gym focuses on physical movements to enhance learning abilities. Brain Gym is similar […]
MBA Project Topics & Ideas: Report, Sample Dissertations, and Case Studies
MBA Project Topics & Ideas… Human Resource Management TopicsA Study on Effectiveness of Grievance Handling Mechanism International Business ManagementBusiness in the Cloud: Internationalization of a small enterprise in the age of cloud servicesForeign Direct Investments in Developing Countries Finance ManagementCheck out all topics on Finance / Finance management here. Marketing ManagementThe effects of Consumer Confusion: […]
A vs. An (When to use what, differences)
If English is your mother tongue or if you have studied from a good school, you would already know when to use ‘A’ and when to use ‘An’. But there are many who get confused, despite being graduates (I’m not joking), but then not every one in India has studied in an English medium school […]
Communication for School Students (Project Work)
‘Communication’ for School Students (Project Work to be done on chart paper) Class V Project English Communication Interview to 1) Grandparents 2) Parents 3) Brother or Sister – on how the means of communication have changed over the years. Science Integrated project to be done in the month of July. Bring answers to the following […]
CSR rules in Companies Act 2013 [MBA case study]
As per the companies Act, companies (meeting certain guidelines) have to take up Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects/activities. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has notified Section 135 and Schedule VII of the Companies Act 2013 as well as the provisions of the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 to come into effect from April […]
Essay on Productivity: Business Management
Essay on Productivity (Business Management, Production Management, Industrial Engineering). What is Productivity Productivity is the function of providing more and more of everything to more and more people with less and less consumption of resources. The volume of output attained in a given period of time in relation to the sum of the direct and […]
Aryabhata: School Projects
Famous Indian mathematician-Astronomer Aryabhata: School projects Mathematics project for class 10: Biography of Aryabhata Aryabhata name:- While there is a tendency to misspell his name as “Aryabhatta” by analogy with other names having the “Bhatta” suffix, his name is properly spelled aryabhata every astronomical text spells his name thus, including brahmagupta’s references to him “In […]
Disaster Management: School Project / Essay
Find projects/ project report on Disaster Management for school students. Natural Disasters: Earthquake, Volcanoes, Floods, Tsunami, Drought, etc. Man Made Disasters: Terrorism, Technological, Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, etc. Change in climate, unstable land forms, deforestation, unplanned growth proliferation, are some of the reasons which make disaster-prone areas mere vulnerable. Tardy communication, poor or no budgetary allocation […]
ICSE Class 10 Maths Projects Solved with Practical Applications
ICSE Class X (Class 10) solved projects along with their real world-applications and how they can solve practical problems. Creative projects on Quadratic Equations, Data Analysis and Interpretation, Geometry in our surroundings, Statistics to study Social trends, Trigonometry, Interpreting Graphs and Charts, Probability, Linear Equations, and more. Find projects and notes for ICSE Class 10. […]
Computer Applications (Projects, Notes) ICSE Class 10
Computer Applications (Projects, Notes) ICSE Class 10. Besides the main written paper (exam), Class X ICSE students have to complete several laboratory assignments during the whole year. The students also have to make one real life project using the concepts taught. Programs in computer project should cover the following topics: Sequential structure Selection structure (if […]
History & Civics (Projects & Notes) for ICSE Class 10
History and civics (Projects & Notes) for ICSE Class 10. ICSE HISTORY PROJECT (Grade:10), Word Limit: 1200-1500 Highlight the influence of Gandhian Principles on Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela. Illustrate the same using suitable pictures. Prep/research. Information. Concepts. Thinking Skills. Presentation History Projects: Indus Valley Civilization Indus Valley Civilization -2 Benito Mussolini Mahatma Gandhiji […]
Geography (Projects & Notes) for ICSE Class 10
Geography (Projects & Notes) for ICSE Class 10. Find list of geography projects and notes. Transport in India Grade: 10, WORD LIMIT -1400-1500 words TOPIC: “Transport in India” AIM: This project aims to develop a student‟s understanding of how Transport is important to the development of a country in terms of the plans undertaken by […]
Hindi homework, assignments, projects in Mumbai
Need help to complete Hindi homework, assignments, projects in Mumbai? Feel free to contact us. Is your hindi homework or assignment giving you nightmares, or just don’t have time to do the homework? Don’t worry, we can help you. We don’t just give you answers, we work with you one-on-one until you understand how to […]
MANIPAL HOSPITAL, Bangalore, [Case Study]
Manipal Hospital is situated in Bangalore, known as the Garden city of India, with a population of around six million. The hospital, located on Airport Road, the centre of the eastern part of the city, opened its doors in 1990 for the in and around Bangalore citizens to usher in a new era of sophisticated […]
Industrial Engineering: Essays and Papers
Essays and Papers on History and contributions of Industrial engineering. The origin of Industrial engineering is often confused with the beginnings of the industrial revolution, but it happened much earlier. As soon as man got in touch with the problems of management of the workshop/factory, he began to apply analytical methods complemented by rational experiences. […]
Factory/Plant Location Factors [Case Study]
Here are some of the important factors which must be considered while selecting an optimum location for an plant/factory. Proximity to the Market: Market is the location of buyers and hence becomes an important factor for plant location planning. Industry units try to be as close to the market so that customers can be better […]
How Important Is Your Child’s IQ Test Score?
Intelligence Quotient test (IQ) includes questions requiring you to analyze a set of numbers, review spatial concepts or recognize patterns. IQ test is meant to measure basic processing ability, cognitive mental skills, and diagnose learning problems. Some tests are taken to access a child’s intelligence level for placement into certain gifted programs. Resources to improve […]