Activity-based costing (ABC) is an accounting method where costs are assigned to products (via overhead activities) in a more logical manner compared to the traditional approach where costs are usually allocated based on machine hours. ABC traces overhead costs to the various activities within the business and then assigns those costs to objects. It’s a […]
Enterprise resource planning (ERP): concepts, questions, projects
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is the management of core business processes, often in real-time and helped by software and technology. SAP is a popular ERP Software that offers a wide range of enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications including customer relationship management (CRM), financial management, human capital management, product lifecycle management, and supply chain management. Questions […]
Types of Plants (herb, shrub, creeper, climber, tree)
Various Types of Plants explained. Learn about the differences between tress, herbs, shrubs, creepers, climbers, and trees. One of my neighbours was complaining the other day that his son, who is only in the first standard, has so much to study, and the topics are so advanced right from the beginning. Knowing about the various […]
Full form of E.V.S. in primary section (School)
What does the acronym E.V.S. stand for in school? Kids in the primary section commonly have this subject EVS. Kids in Kindergarten and other lower standards have this subject which includes everything about the environment, and include topics on how people should be socially and environmentally responsible. EVS stands for Environmental Studies/Environmental Science. EVS includes […]
Layers of the Earth: School Project
Earth is made up of several different layers, each with unique composition, different types of rocks and minerals that make them up, and each with unique properties based on both their composition and depth. There are four separate layers within the earth. These are the crust, the mantle, the outer core, and the inner core. […]
Water Cycle: Various cycles
Even though most of Earth is covered with water, the amount of water available on Earth is limited. This water keeps on changing from one form to another. The water cycle is the journey that water takes as it circulates from the land to the sky, and then back on the land again. Water cycle […]
Ethnic conflicts in Nagaland and Bosnia: Comparative Analysis
Ethnic conflicts in Nagaland and Bosnia: i) Critically examine the nature and characteristics of each ii) Do a comparative analysis of them The ethnic conflict in Nagaland is between the ethnic Nagas and the Indian government. The Nagas wanted a Greater homeland that would by formed by merger of contiguous Naga inhabited areas to the present Nagaland […]
Public Spaces in India (Essay)
Introduction to classical sociological theory Select any two thinkers from amongst those covered across this semester – Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Karl Marx and W.E.B. Dubois. Write either an argumentative essay or a short debate-style dialogue between the two thinkers of your choice evoking certain core ideas from their body of work which are appropriately […]
Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD)
Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD): Beginners guide. INTRODUCTION TO OBJECT ORIENTATION Object Orientation is a term used to describe the object – oriented(OO) method of building software. In an OO approach, the data is treated as the most important element and it cannot flow freely around the system. Restrictions are placed on the number of […]
Literature (BMM) Notes
Literature (BMM) notes for exams, assignments and project work. Literature The Novel Animal Farm 1. What was the dream that Major talks about in the first chapter, and how do the other animals implement it? 2. Describe the battle of Animal Farm. What was Snowball’s role in this battle? 3. In what ways did Snowball […]
Understanding Cinema (BMM) notes
Understanding Cinema (BMM) notes for exams, assignments and project work. Understanding Cinema: Questions Describe diverse film genres with examples, Describe broad range of films. What are the different genres in cinema? Trace the salient features of any three genres with the help of appropriate examples. Explain the significance of any 2 genres of cinema along […]
Journalism (BMM) Notes
Journalism (BMM) notes for exams, assignments and project work. Journalism Questions What is news? Explain news value with examples. Describe the history of Indian Journalism What is Editorial? Explain different types of Editorial. Sub editor’s role is limited to glorified clerk Comment and explain the editorial department with diagram and explanation. What is investigative journalism? […]
CSS: Beginner’s Guide
Introducing CSS, font attributes, color and background attributes, text attributes, border attributes, margin related attributes, list attributes, Using class and span tag, External Style Sheets. What is CSS? CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media CSS saves a lot of […]
History / Evolution of the Internet
Evolution of Internet: Important Milestones We all know about the modern day internet, almost everybody uses it, and i’m sure you would also have heard about some recent Facebook controversies. But do you know about the important events and how the internet evolved into the one that we use today? During the 1990s, the Internet […]
Quality management (TQM and related concepts)
Quality management: TQM and related concepts, notes. Total Quality Management (TQM) Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that focusses on providing unparalleled customer satisfaction and aims for continuous improvement of business operations. TQM is an improvement approach that focuses on how operations and other related processes should be managed and improved. It focuses […]
All about the Internet: Description & Facts
Introduction to Internet Internet is defined as an Information super Highway, to access information over the web. However, It can be defined in many ways as follows: Internet is a world-wide global system of interconnected computer networks. Internet uses the standard Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Every computer in internet is identified by a unique IP address. […]
BMS (Bachelor in Management Studies): Syllabus, Notes, Answers
Pursuing BMS (Bachelor in Management Studies) in a Mumbai college? Find the complete syllabus, books, references, notes, and answers of assignments and exams. Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS course) is an undergraduate program conducted by University of Mumbai. BMS opens up several career options for you to pursue, including: Pursuing an MBA or Msc in […]
Environmental Management (Environmental Studies): Questions, Assignments, Projects
Environmental management is the study of sustainable use of resources, minimizing environmental impact, and ensuring compliance with environmental regulations. This subject teaches strategies and practices for reducing an organization’s ecological footprint and promoting environmental sustainability. Business activities of large firms are capable of causing environmental degradation and destroying the lands of the local inhabitants and […]
How to write an academic essay: Top tips/hacks
When in school or college, as students, you’re often required to write an essay within a stipulated time. Thus, it is important to know how to write a killer essay. The key to writing a good essay is keeping it crisp and interesting with short sentences. The aim is to not be repetitive and be […]
How to write the perfect Synopsis for Engineering Projects
Engineering students in Mumbai have to do a project in the final year, and they have to submit a project synopsis as part of the final project submission. Here we take a look at the various things that you should ideally include in a project synopsis. Things you need to include in project synopsis: Project […]