Business communication. Learn how to effectively communicate and build professional relationships through various types of communication. Several different models of communication have been developed by various theorists — Aristotle, Lasswell, Shannon, Weaver, McLuhan, MacLean, Rileys, Westley, Gerbner, Rothstein, Schramn, Berlo, Osgood, Johnson, Cherry. Verbal & Non Verbal Communication Verbal Communication Verbal Communication is oral communication […]
Cost Theory (MBA notes, case studies)
Cost theory is a concept in economics in which costs such as fixed costs, variable costs, total costs, average costs, and marginal costs are analyzed to see how they influence a company’s production volume and its profitability. Elements of costs are as follows: Material Cost: Cost of material and commodities Direct Materials: Direct materials are […]
Industrial Relations & Labour Laws
Industrial Disputes refer to disputes between employers and employees/workers over various employment/working conditions related issues. Management (MBA) questions on Industrial relations and labour laws. Q. Kriday is an ambassador at UYC – United Youth Circuit (a UN Recognized Youth Organization). He wants to make his college mates aware of the Industrial Relations and Labour Law […]
Importance of bio-diversity in an ecosystem: Environmental Management / studies
Biodiversity refers to the different types of flora and fauna found in an ecosystem. Higher biodiversity means the ecosystem can sustain many different types of producers, consumers, and decomposers, and such an ecosystem is considered to be healthy. For example, Tropical rainforests are considered to be the most productive and healthiest ecosystems. For those living […]
Pollution Control Boards: Environmental Management / Studies
Role of Central/State Pollution Control Board/s The Central/State Pollution Control Board advises the government on all matters that concerns pollution – be it water or air related pollution. The Central/State Pollution Control Board also spreads awareness and information related to air and water pollution control and prevention. In general, promote cleanliness of various water bodies […]
Fertilizers and social upliftment in India: Environmental Management / studies
There is no doubt that fertilizers have played a major role in India’s Green Revolution and providing it the much-needed food security. Fertilizer is a very vital input for agricultural growth, and because most of India’s population lives in villages and India’s economy is dependent on agriculture, almost all government policies have encourage increasing the […]
Kyoto Protocol: Environmental Management / studies
Faced with global environmental concerns, the Kyoto Protocol suggested that industrialised countries reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 5.2 per cent by 2012 based on 1990 levels. The agreement entered into force in 2005 after being ratified by 127 countries. Reasons for failure of Kyoto Protocol: It did not have broader participation. […]
Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency): Essays
Various Essays on Bitcoin (cryptocurrency). Bitcoin: Currency of the Internet (362 words) Many feel that Bitcoin is the currency of the Internet, and will provide complete freedom from government & banks rule (all over the world). While the world is not there yet, here’s more on ‘What Bitcoin is’. You can hear about Bitcoin in […]
Top GK questions on Indian Geography for Students
India, also known as Bharat, has unique demography, history and culture, dress, festivals, language, etc. Lets see how much you know about India’s geography. Q) How many states are there in India? Answer: twenty-nine states Q) How many union territories are there in India? Answer: 7 Union Territories and Capitals: National Capital Territory NCT of […]
How to create your own worksheets?
A worksheet is an effective way to check a students’ understanding of a topic and is also an effective mechanism to monitor their learning progress. Here are the various ways in which you can create your own worksheets for various chapters and topics. Worksheets are an important part of the education system nowadays. It makes […]
What’s an Internet Troll & How Not to be One?
You may have heard of cyber bullies, but on the Internet there’s another type of people who are nasty and just short of being bullies. ‘Internet Trolls’ are people who post offensive or abusive messages towards other people online. The fact that they’re are invisible to other (physically) only makes them want to ‘piss off’ […]
Essays on Debt (Public Finance | Economics)
Find a collection of essays on ‘Debt’ for school students (class 9, 10, 11 and 12). You will find essays, long as well as short, especially written for school and college students. Writing off Bad Debt (Essay) An important event that has considerable impact on the profit and loss account of any business is “Writing […]
What is least common multiple and how to calculate
How to find Least common multiple (LCM). Here’s how to calculate the LCM of a group of numbers. Few days back we posted a riddle which required the knowledge of how to calculate LCM in order to get the right answer. Lot of people asked if there was a link or some calculator which would […]
Summer (holiday) camps & workshops for kids
Summer camps and workshops for Children. Looking for something fun and interesting to do with the kids over the summer holidays? Here’s how to keep the kids engaged. And in case you decide not to put your child for any activity, that is also perfectly fine. Once the summer holidays start, you will find ads […]
GK (General Knowledge) questions on Shivaji Maharaj
Shivaji Maharaj (GK, Quiz, MCQ). Let’s test your general knowledge and see how much you know about the great Maratha warrior. Shivaji Maharaj is one of the most revered leaders of Maharashtra. Let’s see how much you know about the Marathi warrior Shivaji Maharaj. A 17th-century warrior of India, Shivaji was instrumental in the development […]
Top 100 GK (General Knowledge) questions on Maharashtra for students
Top GK (General Knowledge) questions on Maharashtra for students, school students as well as for those appearing for competitive exams). Maharashtra is not only one of the richest, industrialised states in India, it also has a rich history. Let us see how much you know about the state of Maharashtra. The following questions on Maharashtra […]
GK on Maratha Empire – Questions and Answers
General knowledge questions (GK) on Maratha Empire: Question and Answer. MCQs (multiple-choice questions). Q) Who is considered to be the founder of Maratha empire?Answer: Shivaji (1627-1680) Also Read: GK questions and answers on Shivaji Maharaj. Q) Who was the first Peshwa?Answer: Moropant Trimbak Pingle Also also known as Moropant Peshwa, Moropant (1620-1683) was the first […]
Corporate Finance: Concepts
Finance is a study of trade off between the present and the future value of money. Corporate can raise capital by using various options. There are various financial instruments available in the market. Broadly, most of the companies in the industry raise financial instruments like bonds, Commercial papers and other instruments on the basis of […]
Sun facts for kids
While we all love Earth, its the Sun (the closest star to Earth) that makes life blossom on earth thanks to its light and heat. Without the sun, the earth would be frozen and dark, and there would be no life. Every morning, we welcome a new warm bright day, thanks to the sun. What […]
100 Simple General Knowledge (GK) Questions and Answers for Indian School Students
100 Simple General Knowledge (GK) Questions and Answers for Indian School Students. General Knowledge quiz is a fun activity that parents can indulge in along with their kids. Its also a great way to challenge their memory power. You will be surprised to see how much kids can remember. So here are some simple General […]