Renewable energy sources such as wind energy are important for countries as sustainable development requires a continuous and efficient energy supply, and it also offers environmental and social benefits. Wind energy as a power source has been growing exceptionally well in recent years. Countries around the world are looking at producing electricity using renewable resources, […]
Interesting facts about Uttar Pradesh (U.P.) for Students
Amazing facts about the state of Uttar Pradesh (U.P.) in India. The state of Uttar Pradesh lies in the northern part of India. It is the largest state in India by population. There are 75 districts in the state of UP. Lucknow is the capital city of the state. Allahabad and Kanpur are among the […]
Essays on Indian Music
Know India through its Music (604 Words) Music tells us everything about the soul of the music-maker, said an ancient guru once. Learning Indian music helps one learn more about the people, their temperament and also about the Indian culture. Indian music is as old as its civilization and culture, and goes back thousands of […]
Long and Short Essay on India’s National Language (Hindi) for Children and Students
Long and Short Essay on Hindi, India’s national language, for Children and Students. also find essays on Hindi Diwas. Know India Through Hindi (582 Words) A country’s official language is very important for its growth and development. First and foremost this is the medium a large percentage of its constituents as they engage in all […]
Visual Research Methods
Visual research methods are those that use some kind of imagery into the research process. Visual Data Visual Data potentially encompasses any object, person, place, event or happening which is observable to the human eye. It is only through a conceptual framework (i.e. theory) that a given “object” can become “data” for investigation. Visual data […]
Understanding the Indian monsoon
As we all know, monsoon brings relief from the scorching summer heat. Farmers look forward to the monsoon in order to sow the seeds. Monsoon provides life-giving water to plants, animals and humans alike. So how do monsoons occur? During summer, the land across India becomes very hot. This creates an area of low pressure […]
TYBMM Project Topics (Sem 5 & 6), how to score well in BMM project
BMM project ideas and topics, tips & suggestions on how to do well. Short Description for the Selected BMM Project Topic The teachers will expect you to provide a small writeup of the topic that you have chosen. You have to mention in short what the project is about, why it is being done, how […]
GK questions on Leaders & Freedom Fighters
GK questions on Leaders & Freedom Fighters. Q. What was Mahatma Gandhi’s full name? Ans. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Q. What were Gandhi’s basic principles? Ans. Truth and Non-violence (not hurting anybody). Read: Top 100 GK questions on Mahatma Gandhi Q. Which freedom fighter was also known as Netaji? Ans. Subhash Chandra Bose. Q. Who founded […]
Amway Marketing Strategy (Sales and marketing plan )
Amway is an American (Michigan based) company and has the world’s largest direct selling business. The company uses multi-level marketing to sell a range of products, including health, beauty, and home care products. It also provides excellent business opportunity for Independent Business Owners as well. Amway India is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amway and has […]
Essay on Knowledge / Knowledge is power
Long and short essays on Knowledge / Knowledge is power for students. Essay on Knowledge (541 words) Knowledge, as the proverb ‘scientia potentia est’ contends, is indeed power, but it is only wisdom or discriminating intelligence that enables one to exercise it judiciously. In the past, our great leaders chose, with their wisdom, to exercise […]
Women Empowerment Essays
Women Empowerment Essays for students. Who needs to be empowered (910 words) ‘Women Empowerment is the cry of the day! But, do we need to empower men first, so they can help us in empowering women? Very often we state that we need everyone on board in order to be able to achieve gender equality. […]
Data Mining in telecommunication industry
The telecommunication industry has quickly evolved from offering local and long distance telephone services to providing many other comprehensive communication services ,including fax,pager,cellular,phone,internet messenger,images,e mail,computer and web data transmission,and many other data traffic.the integration of telecommunication computer network,internet and numerous other means of communication and computing is also underway moreover,with the deregulation of the telecommunication […]
Comic Con International, San Diego: Events Management
Introduction The event chosen is Comic-Con International: San Diego. This case study is going to study about a brief history of Comic-Con International, which is held every year in San Diego. Further Research will be done, analyzing Comic-Con, using the event concept framework as well as a critical analysis of whether, Comic-Con is embedded into […]
5Ws of the event: Questions to ask when creating Event Concept
While doing the preparation work for any event, it’s important to plan how the visitors will experience it. When it comes to planning events of this scale, key elements have to be considered and a clear event concept has to be formulated. Allen et al. (2008). Event concept The core task while planning an event […]
Stakeholders in Event Management
A stakeholder is a person (or an organization) who can affect or will be affected by the event. Stakeholders in this case are people, agencies, bodies, communities, who are directly involved or interested in the Olympics and related projects. Direct stakeholders are important to ensure the smooth execution of the event, and are directly involved […]
Plastic Waste & Pollution: Environmental Effects
The main objective of this research is to provide a systematic review of the literature on the various social initiatives to improve awareness and to reduce plastic waste, to improve processing of plastic waste, and to provide recommendations. If the demand for plastics follows its current trajectory, global plastics-waste volumes would grow up to 460 […]
IGNOU Assignments
IGNOU solved assignment. Distance School of Education (DSE) and all courses in India. IGNOU Assignments for various programmes can be downloaded from the IGNOU website. IGNOU Assignment have to be hand-written, which mean you will need to find the answers of the various questions and then you will need to hand-write them on papers. The […]
Innovations in technology for sustainable development: School Projects
To encourage Scientific Temper and Technological cognitive skills among students, several schools conduct science exhibitions every year. One popular theme during science exhibitions is the topic “Innovations in technology for sustainable development” on which school students have to make projects. Students have to be submit blue print of their respective projects to the school teachers […]
Post-Industrial Society: Definition and Characteristics
Post-Industrial Society: Definition and Characteristics. Introduction Since the 1960 and 70 the US economy was threatened by the economic recovery of Europe and Japan. It was facing the challenge of third world nationalism and an unprecedented rise of oil prices. The war in Vietnam had further weakened the US and its economy was losing its […]
APA Referencing Guide
APA referencing style: Complete guide on how to cite resources using the APA referencing. References written in APA format should be alphabetically listed. Please see below how to cite studies taken from different sources. Text taken from Books Anastasi, A. (1968). Psychological Testing. London: MacMillan Publishers Ltd. Article taken from Journal Dennision, B. (1984). Bringing […]