Democracy is a government that is elected and run by the people. In a democracy, people voice their opinions by voting for people who they think should lead the government. Every person who is 18 years of age has the right to vote. Where did the idea of democracy originate? The term democracy comes from […]
Cyborgs: Essays, Papers, Notes
A cyborg is part human and part machine, and so it is much more efficient, enhanced and powerful than humans. Terminator, Robocop, Matrix are some of the movies where you must have seen humans with extraordinary power; but they were not humans in the true sense, they were “cyborgs”. But you don’t see these cyborgs […]
YouTube as a Qualitative Research Asset
Here’s how to use YouTube as a Qualitative Research resource/asset. YouTube for Qualitative Research YouTube, the video hosting service, offers students, teachers, and practitioners of qualitative researchers a unique reservoir of video clips introducing basic qualitative research concepts, sharing qualitative data from interviews and field observations, and presenting completed research studies. This web-based site also […]
Ghostwriting Services
Your brilliant thoughts can be converted into a brilliant book by our brilliant writing. Personalized Ghostwriting We’ll work with you one-on-one through every step of the process Book-Writing Services Include Planning, ghostwriting, editing, formatting Our Ghostwriting Services Include: Interviews and research to learn all about you and your book idea Planning and outlining your book […]
Business intelligence: Understanding BI, and Case studies
Business analysis is the process of collecting data from varied data sources (it can be a challenge in most cases to get clean data), and then process that data into datasets of information, and then finally render those datasets into meaningful ways so that it can easily be understood by the end-user (and it also […]
What is Market Analysis, how to conduct, and examples
Market analysis involves conducting a quantitative as well as qualitative assessment of a market in order to understand the tangible and intangible factors at play in an industry. It looks at the size of the market, various customer segments, competition, and the economic environment. Companies often turn to third-party market research providers to perform market […]
Merchant of Venice (Play Script – Text): Act 3
This section contains the script of Act 3 of Merchant of Venice the play by William Shakespeare. Read: Merchant of Venice the play by William Shakespeare (Brief Summary, Cast and characters). ACT III SCENE I. Venice. A street. Enter SALANIO and SALARINO SALANIO Now, what news on the Rialto? SALARINO Why, yet it lives there […]
Merchant of Venice (Play Script – Text): Act 5
This section contains the script of Act 5 of Merchant of Venice the play by William Shakespeare. Read: Merchant of Venice the play by William Shakespeare (Brief Summary, Cast and characters). ACT V SCENE I. Belmont. Avenue to PORTIA’S house. Enter LORENZO and JESSICA LORENZO The moon shines bright: in such a night as this, […]
Chi-Square Test
Chi-square Test help us in providing with the method to evaluate whether or not the frequencies which have been observed empirically differ significantly with those that have been expected under a certain set of theoretical assumption. A chi-squared test can then be used to reject the hypothesis that the data are independent. Also considered a […]
What is Tri-variate analysis?
Tri-variate analysis: In some cases, the researcher tries to find out a third variable which is affecting the relationships between the two variables. In that case the researcher has to examine the bi-variate relationship between the two variables and examine the bivariate relationship by controlling the effects of the third variable. This is done in […]
Direct Marketing: Dove brand
Direct Marketing project (product – Dove). Dove is a beauty and personal care brand, owned by Unilever. It operates in the FMCG sector. DOVE AS A BRAND Dove’s product line includes deodorants, body washes, beauty bars, lotions, moisturizers, hair care and other facial care products. They sell all their products by saying that deep moisturizing […]
Organizational Behaviour
Organizational behavior involves studying individual as well as group performance within an organization. In this area of study, human behavior at the work place is closely studied to see its impact on job structure, performance, communication, motivation, leadership, etc. Historical Evolution of Organisational Behaviour Historical Development of Organisational Behaviour, Events Instrumental in the Development of […]
A woman without her man is nothing: Importance of Punctuation
This is an excellent example that reveals the importance of punctuation, and how the same set of words can mean different things by using different punctuation marks. An English professor wrote the words: “A woman without her man is nothing” on the chalkboard and asked the students to punctuate it correctly. All of the males […]
Landforms of the earth: Geography Project
LANDFORMS OF THE EARTH INTRODUCTION The earth is made up of a series of concentric rock layers namely crust, mantle and core. The intense heat in the earth’s interior does not travel to the surface because rocks are bad conductors of heat. The internal heat of the earth therefore melts the rock and keeps the […]
How to Read an Academic Journal Article?
Here’s how to read and understand an Academic Journal article so that you can derive the maximum benefit from your reading. What is an Academic Journal article? Academic journals are periodicals in which researchers publish their work. They are usually peer-reviewed journals, meaning that the work is reviewed and evaluated by other scholars before publication, […]
History of India: Resources
History of India: Useful links and resources. Talk about the compositions of Bhas (Bhasa). What is the subject matter of the Puranas? Please mention the historical importance of Epics. Who was Harishen? Why Prayag Prashasti is important in India’s history. ‘Baburnama is a winner’s memoir’ Make it clear Describe the role of religious Scriptures as […]
Mobile Application (Apps) Development
Mobile Application Development courses that help students learn how to develop applications for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. Fancy making your own mobile apps? Its not that difficult as it may seem like, even if you don’t have any coding skills or programming background. There are several mobile apps software and courses that […]
Introduction to Computer Systems
Under the basic concepts of computer systems, students learn about the concepts of computer architecture, the ‘C,’ and assembly programming languages as well as the use of Linux operating system. In computer systems, students learn about memory organization, data representation, and addressing. They are introduced to the concepts of machine language, memory, caches, virtual memory, […]
Organizational conflict
Organizational conflict is the discord that arises when the goals, interests or values of different individuals or groups are incompatible and those individuals or groups block or thwart one another’s attempts to achieve their objective. Functional Conflict It is healthy disagreement between two or more parties. In functional conflicts, people primarily differ on ideas or […]
Essays on Friendship
Essays on Friendship for students. Friendship is a popular topic in schools and colleges, when it comes to writing essays. Here are some essays on this topic. I missed them when they went their way (750 words) I thought to build new friendships with the friends who will never leave me. A friendship that I […]