Traditionally, mass communication has enabled the communication of information, news, messages to reach a wide audience, and more importantly, over geographical dispersed audience. Over the years, it became a powerful tool to disseminate information. While many believed in its power, there are some who believed that mass communication is an oxymoron, because communication on a […]
Indian National Movement: Summary
The Indian National movement started with the formation of the Indian National Congress (INC) in 1885. The first phase, period between 1885-1905, was also known as the Moderate phase. While everybody agrees on the distinction of the first (early) phase, ther eis a bit of amiguity concerning the period after the first phase until independence. […]
Lala Lajpat Rai
Popularly known as Punjab Kesari (Lion of Punjab), Lala Lajpat Rai (28 January 1865 – 17 November 1928) played a pivotal role in the Indian Independence movement. Right from his childhood, he had the desire to serve his country and took a pledge to free it from foreign rule. In 1880, Lajpat Rai joined Government […]
Introduction to Economics: Basic Concepts & Principles for Beginners
Understand basic economic concepts such as scarcity, supply and demand, costs and benefits, etc. What is Economics Economic agents / society have some economic problems because of the scarcity of resources. They need to choose scarce resources among alternatives (scarce resources) based on choice and valuation of alternatives. Thus economics is the study of how […]
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose: Role in Indian Independence
Subhas Chandra Bose (also called Netaji) (23 January 1897 – 18 August 1945) was an Indian freedom fighter who played an important role in India’s independence movement, and his defiant style of patriotism appealed to many in India. A participant of the noncooperation movement and a leader of the Indian National Congress, he was part […]
‘Moderates Phase’ (1885 and 1905): First phase of Indian national movement
The period 1885-1905 (1885-1907 in some cases) is considered by many as the first or the early phase of Indian National movement; it is also referred to as the Moderate Phase. In this phase, the Indian National Congress (INC) was led by early political leaders, also called as Early Nationalists. They were educated, open minded, […]
Roman Numerals: Basics
Understanding Roman Numerals: Beginner’s guide. Here’s how the Romans wrote their numbers. The numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 that we all are aware of are used in the Hindu-Arabic numeration system; any number can be created using these digits. The Romans however used a combination of seven basic symbols to write any number. Basic Symbols in Roman Numerals […]
Food and Water Security
Many experts are predicting that future wars are going to be fought over water. Big cities in the world are already facing a water crisis. While India might be abundant right now in food production, there is a lot that needs to be done when it comes to making the availability of clean water to […]
Middle East: History, Politics
Academic Questions on Middle East Q) How do Middle East ethno- religious movements, sectarian and Interfaith conflicts constitute dire ramifications for states erosion of sovereignty, creation or instability, rise of terrorism, and hinder sustainable development affecting Middle East politics and potential stagnation of world economy? (Key topic issues: Traditional concept of state sovereignty, the social […]
Constitution of India: Key Points
Right to Equality under Indian Constitution There are certain fundamental rights of an accused person under the constitution of India. These rights are given to all, irrespective of the fact if a person is accused of a crime. Our constitution is based on fundamental that “Let hundreds go unpunished, but never punish an innocent person”. […]
Centre-State (Union-State) Relations in India
India has a federal form of government in which there is one government at the centre and every state has its own government. The constitution of India clearly specifies the functions and powers to mobilize resources of the union and the state governments. As far as functions are concerned there is a threefold classification. There […]
Acknowledgement sample (in Hindi) for Hindi project
Find sample acknowledgements in Hindi for your Hindi school project. Lot of school projects (ICSE, CBSE) require you to have an acknowledgement section besides following a fixed format (Introduction, main body, conclusion, etc). The acknowledgement section is where you thanks your teachers, and all those who helped you complete the project. You’re also expected to […]
Homeschooling in Mumbai: Here’s how it works (FAQs)
Homeschooling also known as home education is a form of alternative education, which exists in several countries, and is also gaining popularity in other countries including India. Homeschooling in India is legal! Homeschooling in India does not violate ay section or provision of the RTE. Maharashtra board (SSC) gives nod to homeschooling in Maharashtra, to […]
Nautanki: Popular folk form of theatre
Long before cinema emerged as the choice of entertainment, Nautanki was the biggest source of entertainment for those living in the villages and towns of northern India. The popular folk operatic theater performance with its musical compositions and entertaining storylines captured the imagination of the rural people. In the hindi language, people still use the […]
Grand Strategy, National Security Strategy and Military Strategy
Q1) What is Grand Strategy, National Security Strategy and Military Strategy? Relate your answer to the Indian context. Answer: Grand Strategy Grand strategy involves thinking about the future goals and create plans on how it can be fulfilled. For a country, it means identifying and assessing national objectives, and then determining which instruments of national […]
Swiss Banks: Case studies
Switzerland is the preferred banking destination for the rich and the famous. Here are some case studies related to Swiss Banks. Swiss Bank Crisis Because Switzerland stayed neutral during World War II, it did not suffer much devastation as some of its neighbors. As a result, Swiss banks began to flourish post World War II. […]
AD and BC: Understanding the Dates
BC/BCE and AD/CE timelines explained. Understand how the various conventions are used to denote time in history. In academic work, most of the time you will come across dates (years) that will be written as 2000 AD, 500 BC, and so on. So what is the AD and BC when it comes to years? Let’s […]
Should there be one universal language?
Critically evaluate the question: Should there be one universal language? The thought of having a universal language is very enticing, as it should ideally make communication easier. In the past, some languages gained more popularity than others, mainly due to colonialism; efforts were also made to create new languages to make it easier for countries […]
Impact of Brexit: UK leaving the European Union
The possibility of UK leaving the European Union without a deal at the end of October seems high as one gets to read reports describing the possible impact of the event; some of these have been published by the UK government itself. A report published by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), a public body […]
Pippi goes to the circus (English Literature): Class IV
Pippi Goes to the Circus – Pippi Longstocking Fairy tale by Astrid Lindgren. Find questions and answers, explanations, MCQs, and the story. Questions and Answers Q) Provide the Story Map of “Pippu goes to the Circus” Main Characters Answer: The main characters in the story are Pippi, Tommy, Annika, Ringmaster, Miss Carmencita, Miss Elvira, Mighty […]