A career action plan lists your professional goals and your plan to achieve those goals. Making a career plan enables you to make smart decisions as you prepare for the real world – be it activities, or clubs to join, or internships and jobs that you plan to pursue. Here’s an example/sample of a Career […]
Personal Development Planning (PDP) for Students
Personal Development Planning (PDP) for students is the process theough which universities enciurage the students to reflect on their current skills and see how the learning (the new semester) has helped them acquire new personal as well as employability skills; PDP also helps students plan for their short-term as well as long term future, and […]
PowerPoint Tutorials: How to Make Effective Presentations
PowerPoint Tutorials: Learn how to make effective presentations. Introduction to Powerpoint, how to create a basic presentation. Making a Presentation: Planning and preparing a presentation. Presentation design: Illustration and Infographics. What is a Presentation? A presentation is a collection of slides arranged in a systematic order that displays the information along with graphics, sound and […]
@Stop Funding Hate: Campaign to support Ethical Advertising
#Stop Funding Hate is a movement to encourage Ethical Advertising and aims to make hate unprofitable. #Stop Funding Hate is a social media campaign to influence big business to consider the views of the newspapers they use for their advertising. The aim is to stop companies from advertising in certain newspapers that they feel use […]
The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
The 48 Laws of Power (1998) by American author Robert Greene, is a non-fiction book and a bestseller, it is very popular with prison inmates and celebrities. This classic book is about acquiring and keeping power. Here are the 48 laws: Never outshine the master Never put too much trust in friends: learn to use […]
The Statistics of Covid 19 (ICSE Mathematics Project)
INTRODUCTION Coronavirus, which originated in China, has rapidly turned into a pandemic, quickly spreading to all countries around the world. The first transmission of Coronavirus to humans was observed in Wuhan, capital of Hubei province of China. Health experts believe that Coronavirus likely originated in bats or pangolins. Investigations have identified a seafood market, which […]
Major Trading Partners of India (Economics)
ASSIGNMENT Make a presentation of the major trading partners of India in the last 15 years. Specify the major changes that have taken place in the Last five years. Introduction India, one of the so-called BRIC economies, is one of the major emerging national economies and an important player in the global economic landscape. Its […]
Foodgrain production in India (Economics)
ASSIGNMENT Take a table of foodgrains production in India from any textbook on Indian economy or any other secondary source such as the Internet. Interpret the changes in the production over a given period of time. 1. The best secondary source for the required data is Economic Survey of the Government of India. For example. […]
What is Information and communication technology (ICT): Overview
Academic Projects Assessment Overview Investigate the need for ICT technologies and skills required to transform an organisation from its current capabilities and resources to a goal state. Critically analyse policies and procedures for managing the information systems in a specific organisation. Critically evaluate trends and developments in computer hardware and software in terms of their […]
Types of Research
Research is the creation of new knowledge. It can be categorized into four distinct types: Basic, Strategic, Applied & Experimental Development. Pure basic research is experimental and theoretical work undertaken to acquire new knowledge without looking for long-term benefits other than the advancement of knowledge. Basic, or blue-sky research, is the pursuit of new knowledge […]
India’s Independence and Partition
Topic: India’s Independence and Partition. The Partition of India of 1947 was the division of British India into two independent dominion states, the Union of India and the Dominion of Pakistan. But the process of partition was attended by mass migration and ethnic violence that has left a bitter legacy to this day. Learning Objectives: […]
What is Literature Review, and how to write a great one
A literature review is a comprehensive summary of previous research on a topic. The literature review surveys scholarly articles, books, and other sources relevant to a particular area of research. The review should enumerate, describe, summarize, objectively evaluate and clarify this previous research. At masters level, a literature review should also highlight the limitations/problems of […]
Operations Management: UberEats v Deliveroo (Case Study)
Task Assesses the operations and potential of two food delivery companies (UberEats v Deliveroo, or you may choose any two local examples in the same field to discuss) based around complex tech-based supply chain and logistics operations. Deliverable Assume that you are representing Deliveroo (or the established food delivery app in your country) and advise […]
Research Onion Model (by Saunders) Explained
The research onion, developed by Saunders and others, is an easy-to-understand diagram that shows the various stages that a researcher must take into account, in order to develop an effective research methodology (Saunders et al, 2012). The research onion describe the various stages through which the researcher must pass when formulating an effective methodology. First, […]
Measurement & Scaling (Research)
Measurement & Scaling in research / business (Research) Measurement & Scaling in research / business research. Measurement & Scaling: Introduction Measurement Assigning numbers or other symbols to characteristics of objects according to certain specified rules. Numbers permit statistical analysis of data Numbers facilitate the communication of measurement of rules and results Specification of rules for […]
How price elasticity impacts revenue (principles of Microeconomics)
How price elasticty impacts revenue (principles of Microeconomics) Academic Questions on Elasticty and Revenue Q. If a firm reduced the price of its product by 20%, what would be the size of the % change in the quantity sold if the demand for the product is inelastic? Q.a. Define elasticity of supply and find the […]
Directional Policy Matrix (DPM) for Strategic Planning
The Directional Policy Matrix (DPM), at times known as the “GE/McKinsey matrix”, is a tool for portfolio analysis that helps determine what are the preferred segments for an organization. It is a framework for classifying an organisation’s business activities in terms of its strengths, capabilities or market position, and the way it perceives markets to […]
Competitor Analysis of Mobile Phone Industry for the Regions of India and UK
Introduction: Explain global smartphone industry Current Trends linked to technology,global sales,global growth rate of smartphones,customer preferences.(get data ) Global total shipments of smartphones (get data) Global market share of smartphones(get data) Total number of Smartphone users worldwide (get data) Competitor Analysis India Region Take the top 3 companies and compare the following data a)Sales from […]
Line Graph / Chart: Definition with Examples
Learn how to plot a line graph / chart. A line graph, also known as line chart or line plot, is a graph that one makes by connecting a series of data points over a specified time interval. One has to first plot the data point “markers” on the graph paper, whih are then connected […]
Website for Business: Designing and Building Best Practices
Designing and building a web presence involves various elements and marketers must have a comprehensive understanding of these elements, and they must also know how to map the company objectives to these elements. From designing to team management, building a web presence is an important part of a marketer’s role since it involves creating the […]