The tangram is basically a puzzle consisting of seven flat polygons, known as tans. You need to play around with these ‘tans’ and come up with interesting shapes. The objective of the game is to create an interesting pattern using all the seven pieces but without any overlap of the pieces. Tangram puzzles are known […]
Subject Enrichment Activities – CBSE
Subject enrichment activities in CBSE are activities that help students learn more about a subject beyond the regular curriculum. Social Science (SST) Subject Enrichment Project Work Activity – Class IX Question: Theme: Be Inclusive in Thought and Action. Topic: Clean and Green is our Perfect Dream: Sustainable Development “Never doubt that a small group of […]
Indus river valley civilization (Harappan civilization)
Indus civilization, also called Indus valley civilization or Harappan civilization, was the the earliest known urban culture of the Indian subcontinent. Harappa was the centre of one of the core regions of the Indus Valley Civilization, located in central Punjab. Project Work Every student has to compulsorily undertake one project on the findings related to […]
History of Architecture and Urbanism
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s Tugendhat House (1928-1930) in Brno, Czech Republic is one of the pioneering examples of modern architecture in Europe that featured in the Modern Architecture: International Exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in 1932 curated by Henry-Russell Hitchcock, Alfred Barr, and Philip Johnson for its exquisite ahead-of-its-time architecture that is […]
Sustainable development Goals of UAE: History Project
Project Topic: “UAE’s commitment to sustainable development is at the heart of the country’s vision for its future. The ideas of sustainable development permeate UAE’s national development plan-Vision-2021-and the plans of its seven Emirates”. Prepare a report/case study on any one of the Sustainable development Goals of UAE.
Business Economics: Concepts, Theories and Assignments
Business economics is the study of financial, organizational, market-related, and environmental issues faced by corporations. Business Economics encompasses: Study of scarcity, product factors, distribution, and consumption. Microeconomic analysis that involves understanding Supply and Demand, Cost Analysis, Market Structures and Consumer Behaviour Macroeconomic analysis that involves understanding Economic Indicators, Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Global Economics Business […]
Computer (& Internet) Ethics for Kids
With kids spending more time on their computer and on the internet than ever before, it is important to make them aware of ethics and values. Ethics’ is about the right things that people should do in any situation. Ethics to be followed by students during their online lectures: Always turn on the video so […]
Human Rights & History (ICSE Class 10)
Q. Highlight the work and achievements of any one Nobel Laureate – Malala Yousafzai or Kailash Satyarthi in promoting human rights and education among women and children. Q. Present a case study of any recent human rights violations and redressal mechanisms available to prevent such instances in the future.
Lean Startup by Eric Ries
The Lean Startup by Eric Ries is a book written for entrepreneurs and talks about how startups should go about launching their business. The author says that any startup should build a Minimum Viable Product, test it, learn from it, and build the next version. It should do this often during the product development. Write […]
Leisure (poem) by William Henry Davies
Leisure (poem) by William H Davies: Summary, explanation, meaning, analysis, question and answers. Although written simply, this is a very popular poem, and even those who read it a few decades back still recollect the poem because they can relate to it. Leisure: Complete Poem What is this life if, full of care, We have […]
Industrialisation in India
Industrialisation in India: Study notes, questions and answers, projects (ICSE Geography). ICSE Projects INDUSTRIALISATION IN INDIA (Describe about classification of industries, describe about major industries of India like iron and steel, petrochemicals, sugar industry, cotton textile industry, describe about the importance of industries, describe about the problems faced by the industries , describe about the […]
ICSE Class 10 Math Project: Mathematical patterns in nature, architecture, designs
Question 1 Observe and record various mathematical patterns in nature/architecture/designs/floors and comment on their mathematical significance (Geometry). Introduction Shapes and Numbers have become the limelight of Mathematics-Research and now mathematics has grown from just solving sums to an experimentation and observation, finding relation to the real world and thus it involves science which brings us […]
What is a Virus?
People often get cold and flu as the weather changes. We go to the doctor and the doctor says, “Oh it’s a viral infection”. So, What is a Virus? Viruses are a type of germs. They are very tiny, non-living micro-organisms. When they get inside our body they can make us sick Viruses cause cold, […]
Light travels in straight line: School science project
Experiment: Light travels in a straight line Materials needed: Torch, 3 cardboard pieces of the same sizes, Blackboard (or a black-covered book) Procedure: Make a hole in the three cardboards. First Setup: Place the 3 cardboards in a straight line. Place a torch at one end and a blackboard at the other end, with the […]
Management Principles, Theories, Concepts
Management theories are concepts related to sound management strategies, including any tools and frameworks that can be implemented in modern organizations. Contribution of F.W. Taylor towards management. Frederick Taylor’s theory of scientific management developed techniques for improving the efficiency of the work process. Based on a systematic study of people, tasks and work behavior, Taylor’s […]
Latest Human Resource Management Project Topic Ideas
Latest Human Resource Management Project Topic Ideas for MBA and other students HR Project Topics Role of HR in boosting employee morale and motivating employees post Covid Employment trends (what is changing in the job market) post Covid Role of HR in the Gig economy as permanent jobs making way for short-term work or gigs […]
We are mere puppets in the hand of the almighty: Essay
ICSE / CBSE essay on the topic “We are mere puppets in the hand of the almighty”. Mankind has made tremendous progress in the last couple of centuries, and many of us today are raised in an environment where we are made to believe that we can control almost anything. The Covid-19 pandemic that has […]
CDS (Chief of Defence Staff) to act as single-point military advisor to PM on security issue
India now has a newly established Department of Military Affairs (DMA) headed by a newly created post, the CDS (Chief of Defence Staff) that will act as a single-point military advisor to the Government on all security related matters. This report takes a closer look at the need for creating such a post and how […]
Group Health Insurance: Strong employee retention tool
Health is Wealth is a very famous saying, and everyone tries different methods to maintain their wellbeing. However, life never follows a fixed pattern and thus, bodily injury or sudden illness can occur to anybody and may leave one both financially and physically stressed. Therefore, it is always good to have a medical insurance policy […]
One page resume for college students, freshers
Find formats and examples of one-page resume (CV) ideal for college students with no experience, freshers, and those with one-two years of experience. Most employers prefer candidates applying for entry-level positions submit a one-page resume. Most colleges that help with placements also instruct the students to prepare a one-page resume. In case, you’re looking for […]