Cookery is one of the optional subjects under group C for ICSE students. This subject aims to make students aware of various food related concepts and cookery principles. Students learn the basics of food, diet, cooking and kitchen. It will help students prepare nutritional food. Students will know the health benefits of different types of […]
Consumer Protection Act
The Consumer Protection Act in India provides Indian consumers with certain rights that protects them from unfair practices or frauds. These rights ensure that consumers can make better choices in the marketplace and get help with complaints. Website: The Consumer Protection (Official Website) Academic Questions Project 1. Meet or telephonically call ten responsible persons of […]
CBSE Class-10 Social Science
CBSE Class 10 Social Science syllabus and study notes. Social Science Studies (SST) Class X content draws mainly from History, Geography, Political Science and Economics. Some elements of Sociology and Commerce are also included. Subject Enrichment Project Work Activity Social Science Subject Enrichment Activity (SST)/ Class X. Every student has to compulsorily undertake any one […]
Nets and Shapes
A shape net (or a geometric net) is a two-dimensional shape that can be folded up to form a three-dimensional shape or a solid. An envelope is a good example of a net. An envelope is often used to post a letter. You can open up an envelope to see how it has been made […]
Divisibility Rules: Tests of Divisibility
Divisibility Rules: Here are various rules to check divisibility of numbers, which will allow you to quickly find out factors of large numbers. A number is said to be divisible by another number if on dividing, the remainder is zero. There are ways to determine if a number is divisible by a certain number without […]
Criminal Procedure Code
The Code of Criminal Procedure (1973) provides the machinery for the investigation of crime, apprehension of suspected criminals, collection of evidence, determination of guilt or innocence of the accused person and the determination of punishment of the guilty, in India. Case: 1. At around 12 Noon of April 22, 2020, the Station House officer (SHO) […]
Futility of War
Various chapters that talk about the futility of wars. The Homecoming: Short Story The skies turned dark and gloomy, as if affected by the ongoing war. It was the harshest and the fiercest the fight the world had ever witnessed. Meanwhile almost an entire country away Cressida prayed for the well-being of her husband- Joseph. […]
Subject Enrichment Project Work Activity: Science
Subject Enrichment Project Work Activity (Science subject) for Class IX. Project Work (Subject Enrichment). Subject: Science Theory : Be Conscious – Craft your future Activity : Agenda 21 – A blueprint for Sustainability. DESCRIPTION: Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organisations of the United Nations […]
Books by Indian Political Leaders
Books written by great Indian Political Leaders. India in the 21′ Century is grappling with many challenges, a major one being the Pandemic along with other issues like ill- governance, politics, corruption resulting into sufferings of the masses. Vested interest have taken over priority as against values like sacrifice, patriotism and brotherhood. Who should take […]
The Great Mouse Plot by Roald Dahl
The Great Mouse Plot by Roald Dahl: Summary, Questions and Answers. The Great Mouse Plot: Summary The Great Mouse Plot is about a young Dahl (the author) and his friends who play a trick on the “loathsome” Mrs Pratchett, who runs a sweet shop in Llandaff, Cardiff. The author and his friends decide to teach […]
Physical and Chemical Changes: Understand the differences and concepts
Physical and Chemical Changes: Understand the concepts and differences. Find study notes, questions and answers. Explanation of physical change: Physical changes are usually about physical states of matter. It is a type of change in which the form of matter is altered but one substance is not transformed into another. The size or shape of […]
The railway children by Edith Nesbit
The railway children by Edith Nesbit: Summary, Questions and Answers. The Railway Children is actually a children’s book written by E Nesbit, and is nicely demonstrates the importance of a family and having a safety net. In the story, the father is falsely arrested for being a spy, and the loss of income of the […]
Tenali Rama and the Dream Kingdom
Tenali Rama and the Dream Kingdom is a folktale. This story is included in the Class-4 English literature syllabus for most ICSE schools. Tenali Rama and the Dream Kingdom: Summary According to folktales, Tenali Rama was a court-jester of King Krishnadeva-raya of the Vijayanagar Empire. Like Birbal, Tenali Rama was witty and intelligent who used […]
Foreign lands by Robert Louis Stevenson
Foreign lands poem by Robert Louis Stevenson. This poem is included in the Class-4 English literature syllabus for most ICSE schools. Foreign lands: Summary This poem describes what a child sees as he climbs to the top of a tree. To a grown-up person the things he sees may seem ordinary, but the child finds […]
The Hero of Haarlem (The Little Dutch Boy)
The Hero of Haarlem by Mary Mapes Dodge – Summary, question and answers. This story is included in the Class-4 English literature syllabus for most schools. ‘Netherlands’ basically means a low-lying country, where the ground is lower than the sea level. As a result, people build dykes all over the country to prevent sea water […]
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling): Popular option for private candidates of board exams. The NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling), formerly known as National Open School, is a system of open schooling under MHRD and is among the more popular options for private candidates of board exams. Students who are unable to go to […]
Astrid Lindgren: Writer of Pippi longstocking and popular kids books
Astrid Lindgren is Swedish writer of Pippi longstocking and other popular childrens book. Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002) was a Swedish writer who wrote fiction and screenplays. She grew up in Nas, Sweden. Many of her books are based on her childhood memories and the landscape of Nas is reflected in her works. Lindgren was born in […]
Zappos Case Study: Training and Development
Zappos cast study as mentioned in: Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2017). Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. Questions: What challenges is Zappos facing that may derail its attempt to be the best online retailer? How can training and development help Zappos […]
Transportation and Infrastructure development in India: Geography Project
Good transportation network paves way for infrastructure development. Infrastructure development in India has contributed to modernizing industries and making her one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Different modes of transportation networks in India have gone a long way in connecting different parts of the country through various government-initiated projects and schemes. Major […]
Learn Indian and World History Through Movies
Learn history through movies. Movies on Mahatma Gandhi Oct 2 is celebrated in India as Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday (known as Gandhi Jayanti), a man who changed the course of the future of India, with his ideas of non violence. Gandhi (1982) While several movies have been made on Bapu, the most successful one was Richard […]