Various types of social media metrics that can be used to assess brands’ social media marketing performance. Social reach Most companies track the social reach of their social marketing activities in order to understand how their social posts are faring. This metric reveals the number of users to whom the company’s social posts are reaching; […]
Amity Project Work
Project Based Learning is the application of adequate methodology to strategize industry operations in a real-time environment. Project work aims to foster students with an opportunity to develop conceptual, analytical, communication and interpersonal skills. Selection of Project work Topic The choice of topic for the project work and the approach to be adopted needs to […]
Letter Writing: Class 4 English (ICSE)
Letter Writing: Class 4 English (ICSE) Imagine that you are Hans and that your parents live in Amsterdam. Write a letter to them describing the adventure you had on the evening that you saved the town. Follow the following format. Your Address: Date: Salutation: Dear Greeting: Body: Last evening… On my home… So I… Luckily… […]
The River by Valerie Bloom
The River by Valerie Bloom is a poem in ICSE class 4. Find study notes, and questions and answers for this poem. The Poem The River’s a wanderer, A nomad, a tramp, He doesn’t choose one place To set up his camp. The River’s a winder, Through valley and hill He twists and he turns, […]
Market Structure: Class X Project
Objectives: After going through the material/ unit you will be able to: 1. Define the term ‘Market Structure’. 2. State the Elements of Market structure. 3. Explain the Determinants of Market Structure. 4. Classify various Forms of Market Structure. 5. Explain the features/Characteristics of Perfect, Monopoly, Monopolistic and Monopsony forms of market. Task: (a) […]
Story Genres: Different types of stories
Stories can be classified into different genres or categories. A genre is a style or category of art, music or literature. Folktale Folk tale is a short story that has been passed down from generation to generation through word of mouth. These stories usually do not have a single author. “Hansel and Gretel”, “Goldilocks and […]
Cypress Street by Todd Michael St. Pierre (Class 4 English Literature)
Cypress Street by Todd Michael St. Pierre (Class 4 English Literature): Study notes, questions and answers. Questions and Answers 1. Fill in the word web with words from the poem. Concrete => Street words => Lamp post => Street 2. Tick the right answer. a. In the poem, the poet walked down the street because: […]
The girl who hated books (by Manjusha Pawagi)
The girl who hated books by Manjusha Pawagi. This is a chapter in English literature for ICSE Class 4 students. Find notes, and question and answers for this chapter. This is a story about a girl who hated books until one day, when something strange happened, and her parents were pleasantly surprised to see that […]
The Three Musketeers- Alexandre Dumas
Author Alexandre Dumas’s The Three Musketeers is an adventure tale full of intrigue, passion, bravery, revenge, loyalty and unswerving friendship. The novel never sags in its energy, moving swiftly from one incident to the next as it blends the fantastical with real figures and events from 17th-century France. A young man named d’Artagnan from Gascony […]
The Fun They Had by (Isaac Asimov)
Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 1 The Fun They Had: “The Fun They Had” is a story (a science fiction) by American writer Isaac Asimov and one of the chapters in English literature subject (CBSC). Answer in Short Q. How old are Margie and Tommy? Ans: Margie is eleven and Tommy is thirteen-year-old. Q. What […]
Mensuration (Math Projects)
Mensuration Class X projects. Topic: To find the Volume of a Cylinder, Cone and a Hemisphere. Objective: To see which of them has the least volume with same radius and height. One real life situation where this result can be applied. Sajid, a juice seller has set up his juice shop. He has three types […]
History and Civics (Class – IX): Projects / Assignments
Project / Assignment Topics: Q. ‘The Indian constitution protects the rights of children, women, minorities and weaker sections.’ Elaborate on the basis of a case study. Highlight the civic issues of your locality and what suggestions would you offer to address them. Visit a museum or local site of historical importance and discuss its significance. […]
How to choose a Research Topic (also find sample topics)
You must give some though to choosing the research area and topic. Usually it is recommended that you choose a topic area that relates to your subject area. Here’s how to choose a Research Topic for your research work. Steps to Choose a Research Topic In order to come up with a research topic, you […]
Research on person or business that is part of the unorganized sector
Case Study: Make a visit to your local market or your surrounding area to do a research on any person or business you think is a part of the unorganized sector and find details about the following: Visit to Dharavi, home to the biggest community of idol-makers (Kumbhar community), whose main occupation is making idols. […]
Organised and unorganised sectors in India
Meaning of organised and unorganised sectors. In the Organised sector, businesses have appropriate authority, are governed by various Acts and stricktly follow the relevant rules and regulations. Workers get monthly salaries and other benefits. Unorganised sector comprises of small scale enterprises that are not registered with the government and are not governed by any Acts. […]
On the basis of its occupation, classify the major sectors of Indian economy
On the basis of the various economic activities in which the workers are engaged in, Indian economy can be divided into the following: Primary Sector: Activities are based on natural resources. Farming, livestock rearing, fishing, quarrying, forestry, etc. are primary activities in this sector. Secondary Sector: Also known as the industrial sector, natural products (obtained […]
Prime Factorisation
Here’s how to express any number as prime factors. When you do factorisation of any number, you get prime numbers as well as composite numbers as factors. Composite numbers are those that can be expressed as products of prime numbers. For example, 35 and 70 are composite numbers and can be expressed as 35=7×5 and […]
Economics: Concepts
Law of Supply and Demand Supply and demand is a basic concept of economics. Demand refers to how much (quantity) of a product or service is desired by buyers. The quantity demanded is the amount of a product people are willing to buy at a certain price; the relationship between price and quantity demanded is […]
Island Groups of India: Notes
Islands are areas of land that are not connected to a continent and are surrounded by water on all sides. Islands can be found in all bodies of water, from streams and rivers to lakes, seas and oceans. CONTINENTAL ISLANDS are part of the same land that makes up the continents. They are formed by […]
Data Handling (Math): Class 4
Data Handling (Math) Class 4 notes, concepts, worksheets, questions and answers. The collection, sorting, arrangement and presentation of information is known as data handling. Reading and understanding data that has been presented using pictures and diagrams is much easier. Pictographs A Pictograph displays information using pictures. Here, data is represented using pictures, graphs, icons, symbols, […]