Being a good citizen (responsibilities of a good citizen) is a chapter in Social Studies for Class 4 students. Find notes, questions and answers. Question: What do you understand by the term civics? Answer: Civics is the study of human rights and responsibilities of citizens , the governance and the environment in which our society […]
Major Domains of the Earth (Social Studies)
Learn more about the Major Domains of the Earth. This is a chapter in Social Studies/Geography for Class 6 students as well as for Class 4 students (a smaller coverage of this topic). Find Notes, Questions & Answers on major domains of the earth. Major Domains of the Earth: Social Science / Geography Class VI […]
Meeting Miss Trotwood by Charles Dickens: English Literature – Class 5
Meeting Miss Trotwood by Charles Dickens is a chapter in English Literature for Class 5 ICSE students. Find study notes, and question and answers for the story. Summary of Meeting Miss Trotwood After his father’s demise, David Copperfield’s mother married Mr. Murdstone. David’s life became miserable thereafter as Mr. Murdstone and his sister were evil […]
Product differentiation for FMCG products (Class X Project)
Question: Take a case of five FMCGs – fast moving consumer goods – bathing soaps, toothpastes, facial creams, shampoos, ball pens. Analyze as to how the market for these products is characterised by product differentiation. HINTS Market for all these consumer goods is characterised by product differentiation in view of these goods being produced under […]
Demand and supply for coffee (Class X project)
Question: Develop a hypothetical table of information for coffee that shows quantity demanded at various prices and supply of coffee at these prices. Draw a demand curve and supply curve and show an equilibrium price at which market is cleared of its supplies. So how to do this project? Here’s what you can cover in […]
Black Beauty: ICSE Class 5 English Literature (ICSE)
Black beauty by Anna Sewell is a chapter in English Literature for ICSE class 5 students. Black Beauty is a novel written by Anna Sewell, it is an autobiography of a horse named Black Beauty who shares her story – beginning with his carefree days as a colt on an English farm, to his difficult […]
The Owls in the Family (by Ruskin Bond): Notes, Q&A
The Owls in the Family by Ruskin Bond. This short story is in the syllabus of English Literature for most Class 5 ICSE students. Find study notes, questions and answers for this chapter. The Owls in the Family – Story One Morning we found a full-fledged bay spotted owlet on the ground by the balcony […]
Demand for fast moving consumer good (Class X project)
Economics project topic: “take a fast moving consumer good like washing machine detergent analyze the factors that determine the demand of this product. Present your findings in the form of a class presentation”. How to do this project? Here’s what you can cover in your project: Write about Demand, its definition. Mention what are the […]
My Books (Poem): Class 5 English Literature
My Books (Poem) by Dr. Seuss. This is a poem in the syllabus of Class 5 English literature. Find study notes and question and answers. The Poem “My Books” Poem as it appears in the class 5 book. I love my books. They are the homes Of queens and fairies, Knights and gnomes. Each time […]
Linguistics and robotics
If you are aware of chatbots, you are probably familiar with the challenging topic of vocal interaction. Robots and voice assistants have made great progress over the past few years, and are increasingly becoming important in our lives. Humanoid robots are specifically built to resemble the human body and may be designed for functional purposes, […]
Circus Elephant by Kathryn Worth: Class 5 English Literature
Circus Elephant (poem) by Kathryn Worth. This poem is in the syllabus of Class 5 English literature. Find study notes, and question and answers. Circus Elephant Poem Does the Elephant remember In the grey light before dawn Old noises of the jungle In the mornings long gone? Does the Elephant remember The cry of hungry […]
Red Eye: ICSE Class 5 English Literature
Red Eye is a chapter in English Literature for ICSE Class 5 students. Red Eye is a story about a girl called Cindy who had a snake – not a paper snake, but a real one. Red Eye: Questions and Answers “On second thoughts, I said, she might learn a lot from Red Eye”. Question […]
Constructive & enriching experiences for children during vacation
Here are some interesting ideas to keep the kids engaged during holidays, something that will also increase their awareness and knowledge about things. Find fun and creative activities, outdoor activities to explore nature, art and crafts, games and puzzles, and more. Imparting Education to Children Begins At Home Education is big business today and every […]
Best Books (reading list) for Children & Teens
Recommended reading list of books for students – children, teens and young adults. Children are curious, want to explore and learn new things. however that doesn’t mean they will just pick up books on their own and will start reading. You will need to cultivate the habit of reading in your child. Children learn faster […]
Comparative newspaper coverage of different items (Math Project): ICSE Class 10
Question: Comparative newspaper coverage of different items: – Crime. Education. Sports. Social Awareness . Stock Market/Business . Celebrity Consider at least three different newspapers. Draw the pie-charts for the data you have collected. Use one graph sheet for comparison (Statistics). Answer: So take 3 newspapers, count how many pages are devoted to Crime, Education, sports, […]
January Night English Literature Class 7: Study Notes
January Night is a short story, originally written by Munshi Premchand, and later translated by David Rubin. It is a chapter in English Literature for Class 7 students. Find study notes, and question and answers. About the Story The story is set in a small village. It is the story of a tenant farmer named […]
How to evaluate information sources (CARS Checklist)
Researchers and students need to use credible information sources when producing their academic work. Using the C.A.R.S checklist is one way to evaluate information sources. When producing high quality academic work, you need to support your statement and arguments with high quality information as evidence. It means the information needs to be relevant, accurate, and […]
Social Science: ECONOMICS (Class 9): Projects
Social Science: ECONOMICS (Class 9): Projects and Assignments Question Select ANY ONE ACTIVITY from the following list: The activity selected by you will be your MULTIPLE ASSESSMENT activity. 1. Mono acting- A newspaper/radio channel/ TV channel wants to interview different classes of farmers in Palampur to ascertain their different lifestyles. Imagine you are a farmer […]
The Research Process: Step-by-step guide to conduct effective research
Research process is a broader concept that includes all the steps and activities involved in conducting research from start to finish. It encompasses everything from defining research questions, literature review, data collection, data analysis, interpretation of findings, and reporting results. Planning to undertake research work? Understanding the research process will enable you to conduct research […]
Statement of the problem (Problem Statement)
Statement of the problem: Very often the problem is stated in a declarative form. It may as well be written in a question from. Problems can be derived from theory, prior research results or personal observations and experience. ” To define a problem means to put a fence around it, to separate it by careful […]