ICSE Class-5 (Social Studies SST) – Evolution of human beings / The Earliest Humans: Motes, questions and answers. What is meant by evolution? Ans. The human evolution is a process of change by which apes slowly developed into human beings over millions of years ago. Question. What are our sources of information about life during […]
Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)
Industry 4.0 refers to adoption of Cyber Physical system like Internet of Things and Internet of system. Key drivers includes High Speed Mobile Internet, AI and Automation- Max impact on Human Race, Data Analytics, Cloud Technology. What is IR 4.0? Characteristics of the latest Industrial Revolution (IR): Merging capabilities of Humans and Machines. Game Changer […]
ICSE Class-5 Computer Studies: Revision notes, questions and answers
ICSE Class-5 Computer studies: Notes, syllabus, and answers to questions. The following chapters are included in ICSE Class-5 computer studies subject. Evolution of Computers How computers have evolved over the years, history of computers, earlier calculating devices, various generations of machines, earlier programming languages, characteristics and limitations of computers. First generation computers (1940-56): Used vacuum […]
Creating a research project: Here’s a complete guide
Most management courses require the students to undertake a research project, also often known as a dissertation or thesis or a consultancy type project. However; irrespective of what the report is called as; it involves producing a long piece of written work that offers a detailed, sustained and critical treatment of a chosen topic, case […]
Idioms and Phrases
Understanding Idioms, one of the comparatively more difficult topics in the English language. Idioms are a collection of words or phrases which have a figurative meaning that is generally well established and known. In the Hindi language, these are known as ‘Muhavare’. It means, the words that are used in the Idiom should not be […]
Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS): Guidelines for Project Work (Blackbook): University of Mumbai
Guidelines for Project Work (Blackbook project) for Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) programme students (University of Mumbai) at Third Year Semester VI. Introduction Inclusion of project work in the course curriculum of the Bachelor of Management Studies programme is one of the ambitious aspects in the programme structure. The main objective of inclusion of project […]
Hindi Grammar Reference Guide
Grammar is called व्याकरण (pronounced as Vyakaran) in Hindi. List of topics within Hindi Grammar (Vyakaran) Hindi vs English Grammar If you speak English, then you would have been accustomed to the English format of subject-verb-object in grammar. But in Hindi grammar, the format that is followed is subject-object-verb which simply means that the verbs […]
Hindi varnamala, swar aur vyanjan
Varna can be said to be the alphabets of Hindi language. In Hindi language, there are total 44 alphabets. All the Varna’s together is known as Varnamala. Varnamala in Hindi is made of Swar (11 of them) and Vyanjan (33 of them). भाषा की सबसे छोटी इकाई ‘वर्ण’ कहलाती है। हिनी भाषा में मूल रूप […]
Business Studies Projects: Class 12 CBSE
CBSE Class 12 students have to make a Business Project as part of their Class 12 Business Studies (BST) wherein they have to do literature review, gather data, make inferences and give conclusions. Here’s how to create a Business Studies class 12 project (BST project) on various topics such as principles of management, elements of […]
Notice writing for Class 10 ICSE: Format, Examples, Samples
Learn notice writing for Class 10 ICSE students. Find examples, samples and format for notice writing. Notice Writing: A notice is a short piece of writing that one sees on the notice boards of schools. It is a formal style of writing and is used to draw attention to important pieces of information. Notices are […]
Patanjali Promotion Mix
Patanjali is one of the very well recognized Fast Moving Consumer Goods Brand in India. The company is known for the Ayurveda concept. The company has various successful brand like Dant Kanti, Kesh Kanti, Divya Dant Manajan and many more. It will be easy for the organization to launch a product extension (such as ice […]
Business Planning
Several economies now have a significant numbers of small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with fewer than 250 employees (the definition of an SME may differ somewhat across countries). As well as providing a living for their owners, SMEs make a significant contribution to the economy generating significant employment and annual turnover in the private sector. […]
How to Prepare for an Elocution Competition
Elocution refers to the art of speaking in public. Here’s how to prepare for an Elocution Competition. Elocution Competition: Format You will be provided with various topics and depending on your age, you may be asked to prepare a speech for 2-5 minutes. There could be multiple rounds. You may have to go through an […]
EVS Project (Class 11 ICSE): FYJC
EVS Project for ICSE Class 11 (FYJC) students. Guidelines for writing project report It is mandatory for the students to write project reports according to the following guidelines. A reference list of project topics is usually provided by the school/college. Evaluation of Project work is done according to the guidelines. Selection of the project topic […]
Drones: The Future of warfare
The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is seen as a turning point when it comes to the use of UAVs in warfare and the consequences seen will have a large effect on the perception of combat drones as a combat system in years to come. In recent years, militaries around the world have been using drones for its […]
Class 12 (CBSE): English Projects
English Project ideas for Class 12 (CBSE) students. The Project can be Inter-disciplinary in theme. The ideas/issues highlighted In the chapters/ poems/ drama given the prescribed books can also be developed in the form of a project. Students can also take up any relevant and age-appropriate theme. Such topics may be taken up that provide […]
Responsible Management
Responsible management in business today means balancing the interests of the entire world (people, business, environment) in order to benefit existing as well as future generations. Identify a company or organisation of your choice. identify ONE major responsible management challenge your case company faces. Choose ONE of the following corporate functions to address that challenge […]
German Unification | Nationalism in Europe (German History)
Describe the process of unification of Germany Back in the 18th century, Germany comprised of several states. Prussia was the most powerful state and it was dominated by big landlords known as Junkers. Nationalist feelings were high among the middle class German people and they were keen to unite the different regions of the German […]
CBSE ASL Topics: English Listening and Speaking Skills
CBSE boards’ Assessment of Listening and Speaking skills (ASL) (also known as Listening and Speaking Skills (ALS)) evaluates a student’s listening, speaking, and communication skills in English. It also assesses the analytical reasoning skills of students by asking them various questions on the topic. What is the ASL Test? The ASL test comprises of: Listening […]
PN Junction – Semiconductor Electronics
PN Junction – Semiconductor electronics for class 12 physics students. When P-Types and N-Types semiconductor are joined together such that crystal structure remains continuous, a p-n junction is formed. It is formed by adding excessive impurities to n-type semiconductor or donor impurities to a p-type semiconductor. When PN junction is formed, both material will find […]