Black beauty by Anna Sewell is a chapter in English Literature for ICSE class 5 students.
Black Beauty is a novel written by Anna Sewell, it is an autobiography of a horse named Black Beauty who shares her story – beginning with his carefree days as a colt on an English farm, to his difficult life pulling cabs in London, to his happy retirement in the country.
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Source: Sewell, A. (1870) Black Beauty New York: F.M. Lupton Publishing Co.
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell full story
You can read the full story here.
Black Beauty: ICSE Class V – Question and Answers
Question: Quick Answers
1. Black Beauty tells us about a meadow and all that he could see when he was in the meadow. Carefully read what Black Beauty tells us and put a tick against the statements that are true and a cross against those that are false.
- a. The meadow was lovely, but small.
- b. There was a pond with water lilies and rushes in the meadow. (correct answer)
- c. There was a road close to the master’s house.
- d. At one end of the meadow was a gate and there was a hedge at the other end.
- e. Fir trees grew at the edge of the river.
2. Choose the correct answer.
a. A young horse is called a
- i) colt. (correct answer)
- ii) canter.
- iii) mare.
b. Black Beauty’s mother spoke to him because
- i) she wanted him to stop playing with the colts.
- ii) she wanted him to grow up well-mannered. (correct answer)
- iii) she wanted him to win a cup at the Newmarket race.
c. The master scolded Dick because
- i) he hurt the horses. (correct answer)
- ii) he ate the blackberries that grew in the master’s field.
- iii) the master did not want Dick to have fun.
Reference to Context
3. “The first place I can remember was a large, pleasant meadow with a pond of clear water in it. Some shady trees leaned over it, rushes and water lilies grow at the deep end.”
a. Did Black Beauty like the meadow? How do we know?
Answer: Yes, Black Beauty liked the meadow. We generally remember things which we like the most. At the beginning of the text, Black Beauty is giving a vivid description of the meadow which proves that he had a good memory of it.
b. What could black beauty see from the meadow?
Answer: The Black Beauty could see a ploughed field on one side, and their Master’s house on the other side which stood by the roadside from the meadow.
c. What did Black Beauty do in the meadow?
Answer: In the meadow, Black Beauty ran by his mother’s side during daytime and at night he laid down close to her. They used to standby the pond in the shade of the trees when it was hot. In winter, they stayed in a nice warm shed near plantation.
“I have never forget my mother’s advice. Our master was very fond of my mother because she was wise and good. Her name was Duchess, but our master called her Pet.”
a. When did Black Beauty’s mother gave him this advice?
Answer: One day when Black Beauty was doing a lot of kicking with the other colts in the meadow, his mother gave him this advice.
b. What was the advice that Black Beauty received?
Answer: Black Beauty received the advice to grow up gentle and good and never learn bad ways. He was advised to do work with goodwill, lift his feet up well when he trotted, and never bite and kick even while playing.
c. What three things do we learn about Black Beauty’s mother from this text?
Answer: Three things we do learn about Black Beauty’s mother from this text are –
- i) she was wise and good.
- ii) her name was Duchess, but their master called her Pet.
- iii) she always took her master to town in a light gig .
Read, reflect, and write
Question: What did Black Beauty’s mother tell him about the family he came from?
Answer: Black Beauty’s father had a great name. His grandfather won the Newmarket race car for two years. His grandmother had the sweetest temper of any horse.
Question: How do we know that the master was very fond of Black Beauty’s mother?
Answer: The master was very fond of Black Beauty’s mother because she was wise and good, and devoted to her master. When she saw the master at the gates, she would neigh with joy and trot up to him.
The master took good care of Black Beauty and her mother by offering them good food and lodging, and speaking to them gently. He often brought a carrot for her and gave bread to Black Beauty.
Question: What kind of a horse did Black Beauty’s mother want him to be? Can you think of any advice your elders have given you? Write it in your notebook.
Answer: Black Beauty’s mother wanted him to be gentle and good and never learn bad ways.
Yes, I can think of the advice my parents always give me. They tell me to speak the truth, to be helpful and kind to others, and to always respect others.
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