Peshwa Bajirao I was one of the greatest Maratha warriors. He is considered to be the most important figure after Shivaji Maharaj in building the Maratha Empire.
Birth of Bajirao
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Bajirao I or Bajirao Ballal was born on August 18, 1700 as the eldest son of Peshwa Balaji Vishwanath Rao and Radhikabai. His father Balaji Vishwanath was the first Peshwa (Prime Minister) of Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj.
Early Childhood
From the time he was a little boy, Bajirao would often go with his father on military campaigns. Under his father’s able guidance, he grew up to be a disciplined and highly skilled warrior. He was only 12 years old when he went to the battlefield for the first time.
The Making of the Peshwa
After his father’s death, Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj appointed the 20-year old Bajirao as Peshwa in his council of Ministers.
Bajirao’s army used to move 65 kilometers in a day – the highest speed that an army use to move during that time.
A Great Warrior
Bajirao was an expert swordsman, outstanding rider, and a brave soldier. He was skilled in using the deadly ‘dandpatta’ – a circular sword. His military training was so good that every moment he used to get all the information of his enemy’s location, thus planning surprise attacks and defeating them.
Bajirao I fought over 40 battles in his life against Mughals, Portuguese and the Nizams and did not lose a single battle till his death on 28th April, 1740 at Raverkhedi in lndore, Madhya Pradesh.
A Born Leader
The Peshwas became the most powerful warriors in the country under the leadership of Bajirao I. He moved into battle with the cry ‘Har Har Mahadev’, thereby inspiring his troops to fight without fear.
Note: A majestic statue of Bajirao Peshwa on his horse was built in memory of this great warrior at Shaniwar Wada in Pune district of Maharashtra.
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