Astrid Lindgren is Swedish writer of Pippi longstocking and other popular childrens book.
Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002) was a Swedish writer who wrote fiction and screenplays. She grew up in Nas, Sweden. Many of her books are based on her childhood memories and the landscape of Nas is reflected in her works. Lindgren was born in 1907; she died in 2002, aged 94.
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Astrid Lindgren is best known for:
The Pippi Longstocking stories are about an unusual red-haired girl, Pippi, who is brave, funny and strong. Pippi was a cheerfully outspoken, brave-hearted girl who protected the weak and stood her ground against bullies.
Pippi goes to the circus (English Literature): Class IV
The children’s fantasy novel, Ronia the Robber’s Daughter.
Did you know that Lindgren has an effect in economic named after her?
“In 1976, Astrid Lindgren received a tax bill for 102 percent of her income, which prompted her to produce a fairy story about a writer, Pomperipossa, who gave up producing books for a carefree life on the dole, providing economists with a new phrase, the Pomperipossa effect.” The Pomperipossa effect basically talks about the negative impact of higher taxes, which could force some productive people to not work and live on a dole (unemployment allowance that is available in several countries).
Astrid Lindgren left school early to work for a local newspaper. By 17, she was pregnant by the paper’s 50-year-old, married proprietor. By 18, she was a single mother working as a stenographer in Stockholm, though her son, Lars, lived with a foster family in Copenhagen for three years before his mother could reclaim him. Lindgren’s exile from her childhood home, her grim struggle with Lars’s coercive father, her determination to remain independent of him, her long and anguished separation from Lars, her enduring guilt at not being with him and then her guilt at plucking him from the only family he had ever known – all these things find their way into her writing. This is one of the reasons her stories are full of parentless children, of abandoned boys and girls. Under the exuberance lies a darker story of loneliness and loss. Read more…
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Pippi Longstocking, Emil in Lönneberga, The Brothers Lionheart, The Children of Noisy Village, Ronja the Robber’s Daughter. Millions of children across the globe love these characters and feel right at home in Villa Villekulla, Cherry Vale, Emil’s woodshed and on Seacrow Island.
All these characters and worlds are the inventions of Astrid Lindgren, one of the most popular children’s book writers in the world.
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