Here are the main features of the Assertive Phase (1907 – 1916), some also refer to the period (1905-1918), (1906-1916).
Growth of Assertive Nationalism
People finally started seeing the true side of the British rule and were convinced that the British were to be blamed for the economic ruin of India and her growing poverty. The efforts of the Early Nationalist leaders through their writings, agitation and petitions to the British government starts paying off.
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Famines ravaged India during the period 1896-1900 and its believed that over ninety lakh lives were lost. The worsening economic condition of the people, the unjust and repressive policies of the British provided a suitable atmosphere for the growth of Assertive Nationalism.
The younger leaders within the Congress were dissatisfied with the achievements of the early nationalists and felt that the gains were not something, which led to the demand for a more radical approach. The Assertive Nationalists were in favour of adopting European revolutionary methods.
Lord Curzon took several repressive measures to crush Indian nationalism, including the Act of 1898 which reduced the strength of elected members from India, the Official Secrets Act and the Indian Universities Act of 1904 which imposed strict official control over Indian universities.
Several educated Indians were employed in the administration on low salaries while many others faced unemployment. These educated Indians became the followers of Assertive Nationalism.
Indians were subjected to racial discrimination in foreign countries, especially in South Africa, which also led to the rise of assertive nationalism.
A school of nationalism had existed in the country from almost the beginning of the national movement. These nationalists found an opportunity to lead the second stage of the national movement at the dawn of the 20th century. The most outstanding assertive leaders were Lokmanya Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal, Aurobindo Ghose and Lala Lajpat Rai. They declared Swaraj as the goal of the national movement and they directed their energy towards achieving the goal.
Main Objective
The main objective of the Assertive Nationalists was to attain ‘Swaraj’. For this, the struggle had to be intensified, the masses had to be awakened politically to ensure their participation in the national movement and force the British government to agree to their demand of ‘Swaraj’.
A wave of nationalism had existed in the country from almost the beginning of the national movement. But it was only at the dawn of the 20th century that these thoughts started getting wings, thanks to outstanding assertive leaders like Lokmanya Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal, Aurobindo Ghose and Lala Lajpat Rai, who felt Swaraj should be the only goal of the national movement.
Key Political Figures
Bal Gangadhar Tilak, also known as the ‘Father of Assertive Nationalism’, was the first to openly declare the demand for Swaraj, and played an important role in popularising the feeling of patriotism. He started two newspapers through which he preached nationalism. He started the Home Rule League in Pune in 1916.
Bipin Chandra Pal, known as the ‘Father of the Revolutionary Thought in India’, propagated his brand of nationalism through newspapers such as The Tribune. He focus was on Swadeshi, boycott and National Education.
Lala Lajpat Rai, known as ‘Punjab Kesari’ or ‘Sher-e-Punjab’, founded publications such as ‘Punjabi’, ‘Vande Mataram’ and ‘People’ to spread the message of the right of Indians to attain Swaraj. He was instrumental in the expansion of D.A.V. College at Lahore, and was associated with the Arya Samaj Movement.
Achievements of Assertive Nationlists
- Exposed the true character of the British rule in India.
- Developed national pride among Indians by praising India’s past.
- Promoted self-reliance through Swadeshi and Boycott movements.
- Established several educational institutions to develop self-respect and self-confidence among the people.
- Got the middle class to participate in the national movement and asked them to make sacrifices for the sake of their country.
Methods of Assertive Nationalists
Assertive Nationalists adopted the methods of Swadeshi, boycott, national education and passive resistance to achieve their goals.
- Swadeshi means producing necessary items in India and not being dependent on foreign goods.
- For them, Swadeshi and boycott were two sides of the same coin. So, it also meant boycotting use of foreign cloth and liquor.
- Several national schools were set up to provide education in vernacular languages.
- People were asked not to cooperate with the government and to boycott government service, courts, schools and colleges.
Assertive nationalist leaders like Aurobindo Ghose, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai and Bipin Chandra Pal asked the nationalists to involve the masses and to trust the abilities of all Indians. These leaders took efforts to develop self-respect and self-confidence among the people.
Here’s how the Assertive Nationlists differed from the Early Nationlists in their approach:
- The Early Nationalists were aiming for self-government/autonomy within the British empire. The Assertive Nationalists however wanted Swaraj.
- The Early Nationalists believed in constitutional methods and worked within the framework of the law. The Assertive Nationalists however were more assertive in their approach.
- The Early Nationalists also had faith in the British sense of justice and fair play. The Assertive Nationalists however had no faith in the British government and held it responsible for the poverty of the Indian people.
- The Early Nationalists received the support of the educated. The Assertive Nationalists had the support of the masses.
Read about the Three phases (stages) of the Indian National Movement.
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