Art is for Everyone by Jerry Jindrich is a chapter in English Literature for ICSE Class 5 students.
Jerry Jindrich is an author and illustrator. When he was a child, he loved to draw. Later Jerry worked as an artist and designer for more than 40 years. Today, he has a website Meddybemps.com, which is full of activities and stories for children.
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Quick Answers
Put a tick against the statements that are true and a cross against those that are false.
- Margaret wanted to be an artist
- A boy at school made fun of the picture that Margaret had drawn of her house. (Correct Answer)
- Tippity waved her magic wand over Margaret and she became a better artist.
- Margaret’s mother did not draw anything
- Drawing pictures was great fun for everybody.
Reference to Context
Tippity Witchet looked at the picture and smiled her biggest smile. What a lovely drawing Margaret! You are a fine artist.
a. Where were Margaret and her mother?b. What had Margaret drawn?
c. How did Margaret feel after she heard Tippity Witchet’s words?
Question: Margaret chose markers and her mother picked out a few bits of coloured chalks, something she used to draw with when she was a child. In no time, everyone was busy drawing and painting.
a. Who else was there with Margaret and her mother?
b. Which group of words in the extract means soon?
c. What did all of them draw and paint?
Read, reflect and write
What made Margaret cry?
Where did Tippity take Margaret and her mother? How did they reach there?
What did Margaret learn that that afternoon after painting with Tippity and Uncle Dot?
Imagine that you are Margaret. The next dat in school, you have an art class and the boy makes fun of your drawing again. What would you say to him?
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