APA referencing style: Complete guide on how to cite resources using the APA referencing.
References written in APA format should be alphabetically listed. Please see below how to cite studies taken from different sources.
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Text taken from Books Anastasi, A. (1968). Psychological Testing. London: MacMillan Publishers Ltd.
Article taken from Journal Dennision, B. (1984). Bringing corporate culture to the bottomline. Organizational Dynamics, 13, 22-24.
Book Chapter Khan, A.W. (2005). Distance education for development. In S. Garg, (Eds.) Open and distance education in global environment: Opportunities for collaboration. New Delhi: Viva Books.
Websites Hernandez M. & Barrioc (2016, October 1). Families and Medication use and adherence anonf Latinos with schizophreria. Journal of Mental Health, 1-7, Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1080/ 09638237.2016.122206, accessed on 25.10.16 Please visit www.apa.org for information regarding citation from different sources and further clarification.
Please visit www.apa.org for information regarding citation from different sources and further clarification.
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