Animal sounds are taught to kids in the beginning years when they are in school. Questions on animal sounds are common in assessment tests , in homework and in worksheets.
Here’s a list of all the animal sounds.
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Apes: gibber
Asses: bray
Bears: growl
Bees: Hum, Buzz
Beetles: Drone
Birds: Sing
Bitterns: Boom
Blackbirds: Whistle
Bulls: Bellow
Calves: Bleat
Cats: Meow, Mew, Purr
Chickens: Cackle
Cocks: Crow
Cows: Moo, Low
Crows: Caw
Cuckoos: Cuckoo
Deer: Bell
Dogs: Bark, Woof
Dolphins: Click
Doves: Coo, Moan
Ducks: Quack
Eagles: Scream
Elephants: Trumpet
Falcons: Chant
Flies: Buzz
Foxes: Bark, Yelp
Frogs: Croak
Geese: Cackle,Hiss,Honk
Giraffes: Bleats, Grunts
Grasshoppers: Chirp, Pitter
Grouse: Drum
Guinea pigs: Squeak,Whistle
Gulls: Squawk
Hares: Squeak
Hawks: Scram
Hippos: Bray
Horses: Neigh,Whinny
Hyenas: Laugh
Kittens: Mew
Lions: Roar
Magpies: Chatter
Mice: Squeak,Squeal
Monkeys: Chatter, Gibber
Owls: Hoot, Screech, Wail
Oxen: Bellow
Parrots: Talk
Peacocks: Scream
Pigeons: Coo
Pigs: Grunt, Squeal, Squeak
Ravens: Croak
Rhinos: Snort
Sandpipers: Pipe, Whistle
Sheep: Bleat
Snake: Hiss
Sparrow: Chirp
Stags: Bellow
Swallows: Titter
Swans: Crey, Hiss, Grunt
Tigers: Roar, Growl
Tortoises: Grunt
Turkeys: Gobble
Wolves: Howl
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