Children throwing tantrums in malls, restaurants, movie theaters is a common sight. However, in certain cases, it can really be embarrassing for parents. The look of helplessness, coupled with embarrassment, on the face of the parent is exactly what most parents feel when their children throw a similar fit.
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If you’re right, there is no need for you to be angry. And if you’re wrong, you don’t have any right to be angry.
Anger is something that can be very destructive. As adults, we are aware of what anger is and know how to deal with it or channelize it. However, children often find it hard to express, and the younger ones are not even aware of the feeling in the first place.
But as adults, it is important that parents try to help the child understand and communicate their feelings with them. Many parents dismiss such behavior as immaturity or childishness but that will only cause deeper problems later.
Of all the several things that you need to teach children as parents, one of the thing definitely is how to control their anger. In case you have been struggling with this aspect, here are some useful techniques that will help you teach anger management to your kids.
There are many programs designed for children to deal with anger management issues. These programs can really help a child express and communicate his feelings without any hesitation. Children need to be guided through their growing years and how to deal with their anger is an important step to cross. If the child is slightly older, you can always encourage them to speak about their feelings freely. But if you have a child who does not yet know how to express, you can take help of anger management programs which help them express through fun activities or worksheets etc.
Anger Management Techniques and Strategies
Here are some anger management techniques you can try or suggest:
- Try relaxing by breathing deeply in and out. This helps calm your nerves and eventually the anger dissipates.
- Time outs are also extremely helpful. Walk away from the situation, go for a walk, listen to music or read a book that you love. All these help calm you down.
- Try to understand what caused you to get angry and try to avoid that situation.
- Own up to the anger by admitting that you are angry and try to express the reason why you are angry, such as jealousy, confusion, sadness, frustration etc.
- If a person makes you angry, try to talk it out with them calmly and together find a way to work out a way that will not lead to such situations again.
- It also helps to take a while to respond when you are angry. Often times, people react in a fit of rage before thinking or processing what the other person is saying. So, encourage the person with anger issues to listen completely and take a while to understand what is said before reacting. This could in fact save a lot of fights from happening.
There are several resources and books that make it fun teaching anger management techniques and skills to kids. There’s always a better/positive way to react to difficult situations. Here are some great children’s books on anger management that will help parents as well as teachers teach important anger management skills to kids.
The above techniques will hopefully help you or your child to control anger effectively. Anger can be quite harmful if not controlled in the right way at the right time. If you cant seem to help yourself or your child with anger issues, take help from professionals or take up anger management programs that can help you deal with your anger in an effective way.
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