So what exactly is an ACADEMIC ESSAY?
An academic essay is a special academic paper that contains a thesis (idea or theory) and a set of supporting materials. Usually, it is a short piece, up to a few pages that are dedicated to one precise idea.
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There are different types of essays that differ depending on their main purpose:
- The expository essay is an author’s vision and explanation of an idea or issue;
- The persuasive essay is supposed to convince the reader to adopt author’s ideas;
- The analytical essay contains analysis and interpretation of an event, piece of art, etc.;
- The argumentative essay implies the use of arguments supporting and contradicting the thesis in order to show the both sides of the coin and to prove the author’s statement.
Academic Writing Skills
Regardless the type of an essay that should be written, a student has to be familiar with and to possess the skills that underlie an effective academic writing. There is a certain per cent of people naturally predisposed to writing. However, it does not mean that the rest cannot gain and practice the demanded expertise.
In order to write well, couple of skills are of importance:
Ability to be constructive, logical, and avoid confusion in the arguments;
Ability to express thoughts clearly and in the rights words (and grammar).
While writing any academic essay, you need to follow the standard academic essay format, style, and structure, in order to comply with formal requirements and also have the right skills, which comes with experience. The more essays you (student) write – the easier will be to write one more paper.
Academic Writing Tip
Here are some tips and recommendations that will help you writing an essay better:
The core aspect of any essay is a deep thesis and strong supporting materials. So the first thing to do is to examine the topic and research it. When the thesis and supporting materials are prepared, the one has to work on the essay’s structure and on the outline. The latter should be a foundation for a few carefully reviewed and edited drafts that turn into a final version of the essay.
Following this simple method can help you come up with a well-written academic paper. However, there are times when you cannot dedicate enough time to the assignment and get the desired result. In such conditions this academic writing tip is very useful: find the right academic writer and delegate the task.
Experienced native speakers that possess all the required academic writing skills are ready to offer their services and to help out the students in need. Our authors know how to write a decent academic essay and the samples of their work are available in order to ensure the potential customers in authenticity and quality of the service.
As a student, now you can write the essay personally or if you’re running short of time, you may entrust this assignment to professionals who can deliver high-quality services for a reasonable price.
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