Book review of 2001: A Space Odyssey, written by Arthur C Clarke, which was later also made into a film.
A very popular book on Science Fiction, the author Clarke talks about a lot of things more in the book than what Kubrick incorporated into his film, which is based on this book. Clarke does an excellent blend of science, mysticism, theory, and fantasy in this book. Even though this is a Sci-Fi story, the story does not talk much about technology as such, but focusses more on the sense of wonder that accompanies exploration.
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This novel was published in the year 1968 and yet it is very close to the reality of the world that we live in today.
The Frankenstein’s monster in this book is the artificially intelligent computer HAL-9000 that considers human lives to be less important and is ready to terminate to complete its mission.
The setting in the beginning of the story is that of pre-historical times where an unknown extra terrestrial entity (referred to as The Monolith) takes prehistoric human beings on a path of evolution that would one day take humans to distant places within the solar system. The story of the novel is played out in the form of events that happen up to and during the journey.
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